Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
He'd be super frustrated, in her place, but. "If that's how you want it." Kiss, snuggle, vague wondering if he's going to get a skill for anything he just did. Maybe his brain is too full of hormones for aliens to do anything to it, ha ha.
Leia takes Bruce's hand and sort of cups her dick with it and grinds against his hand and makes a hissing noise.
Bruce grins and holds his hand steady and applies pressure. And kisses Leia's neck, because it's right there.
Whimper whimper whimper.
(Her boyfriend is touching her clit to get her off after sex and-- it's so easy to remap the sensations and it almost feels like she has the parts she's supposed to have-- and it's going to be awful in a few minutes she knows but it feels so good and she wants to be touched so badly, wants to be touched by her boyfriend who loves her and-- her vision whites out.)
Proud satisfied happy feelings? Did he do it right, is she going to not feel awful?
She collapses on Bruce's shoulder. "I love you. I don't want to move ever again."
Proud satisfied happy affectionate feelings! "I love you too." They don't have to move more than the minimum necessary to clean themselves up and they definitely don't have to unsnuggle.
"I feel warm and happy and full of love and I don't hate myself and I'm not a sick disgusting pervert."
Quest completed: True Love's Kiss.
+4,000 XP
Improved relations with Leia Aarons.
+1 FUK for sheer horniness about sex with your girlfriend.
A skill has been created by a special action! Getting Leia off has created the skill Trans Chaser.
Info/Skills/Trans Chaser
Trans Chaser. Passive.
You have an instinct for sexually touching gender dysphoric people in a way that doesn't trigger their gender dysphoria. You automatically use correct pronouns for trans people, unless this would be inconvenient or out them. You find crossdressing 37% sexier than you did previously.
Alien beings messing with his procedural knowledge and language processing is still weird but this instance looks very convenient. Also if it works even when he doesn't know he'd be outing someone it can be exploited to discover arbitrary truths, but possibly he should spend a week or so trying to get a different way of discovering arbitrary truths that doesn't involve playing chicken with massive social awkwardness first. Also hopefully that "improved relations" bit is just stating the existing facts and not shoving them to like each other more. Whatever, hormones are kind of mind control-y already.
"The Erogame is pretty excellent. I should go have an orgy about it. Once I can move again."
Chuckles and cuddling. "I wonder, if I cuddle you so long I'm at risk of being late will I get really implausible coincidences to get me there on time." He doesn't actually know how long that is, though, because his watch is somewhere on the floor and probably under his pants.
"As if I needed more temptation to stay right here as long as possible." He remembers Leia's remark from earlier about how he's super doomed and almost smiles. He hasn't encountered any doom yet, at least.
"Mrh, gotta go do what the machines tell me." He disentangles himself from Leia with one more kiss and fishes his phone out of his pants to shut it up, then puts on the pants so he has pockets. After a bit of consideration he doesn't bother with the shirt. "See you later. I'll tell you all about it in the morning, unless you don't want to hear about it in which case I won't."