Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
Oh gosh, what lovely sounds. What an excellent face. "You're so gorgeous. My beautiful girlfriend--want you so much--"
Kiss. "You're lucky I'm not fourteen, I would have just come all over myself from you saying that."
He restrains himself from saying that there are several reasons it's good she's not fourteen. Kiss! "Are you ready?" His dick is extremely ready; seeing Leia enjoy herself will do that.
"Mmm, yes." She pulls Bruce on top of her and kisses his cheek and guides him in.
"Ahhh--Leia that feels really good--" It takes him a moment to un-short-out his brain enough to remember how to move, and then he does, slow exploratory thrusts.
It's not horrible, it's not even in the least bit horrible, she's in a bed with her boyfriend and he's fucking her and things are okay and-- and she keeps marveling at the feeling of not having to have a fantasy running in her brain during sex, of not having to be anywhere or anyone but the person she is right now.
"Bruce, I love you."
"Leia--I love you too--" he has his arms wrapped around her as much as he can and still move, faster now, and he's very lucky he's already had sex once today or this would be embarrassingly short. Genuine closeness and affection make everything better.
Mm. It's so nice. This is exactly her kink, her kink is being loved and wanted and close and to make Bruce happy and now she has it, she keeps biting her lip and running her hands along Bruce's body and-- he's so hot-- why is her boyfriend so unfairly hot--
(PRV 1 is great.)
Her boyfriend is so unfairly hot because she deserves the best, and also they are metaphysically certified exactly the same amount of hot, so there.
The majority of Bruce's brain is still mumbling variations on 'yes' and 'Leia' and 'so good' into his complete absence of a brain-mouth filter, but a little corner has pulled away to realize he has no idea how to get Leia off if he can't do it by fucking her. This worry lets him hang on to the edge of coming even though this is the best he has ever felt in his life.
Does he continue to have this opinion if Leia has started moaning and chanting "love you love you love you" and then she keeps getting distracted halfway through the love and having it turn into "oooooooooooh.'
NOPE that level of moaning and amazingness is Not compatible with opinions. Only thrusting and shaking and panting what may or may not be parts of words.
Leia is in the same boat. NO opinions ONLY happiness.
Eventually she completes the VERY DIFFICULT INTELLECTUAL TASK of going "I wanna feel you come inside me."
Well, that's easier done than said! And now she has a boneless flop of a boyfriend.
"Love you. Do you want . . .?" He isn't sure what it's alright to offer, or what he's capable of right now.
She kisses Bruce. "I don't mind just. Making you happy. --And it's nice not to have the part after I come where I start hating myself."
He'd be super frustrated, in her place, but. "If that's how you want it." Kiss, snuggle, vague wondering if he's going to get a skill for anything he just did. Maybe his brain is too full of hormones for aliens to do anything to it, ha ha.
Leia takes Bruce's hand and sort of cups her dick with it and grinds against his hand and makes a hissing noise.
Bruce grins and holds his hand steady and applies pressure. And kisses Leia's neck, because it's right there.