Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
"It doesn't feel like much of anything unless I"-- Lev thinks-- "I guess I don't think makeup ASMR is sexy anymore?"
"Huh." Bruce is glad his PRV only goes up when he learns to find a new thing sexy; having his opinions change like that spontaneously would be super weird. He keeps poking the down button slowly. If and when he gets to 14 (one less than his own stat) he checks that it's possible to get back to 16 (if Aarons is alright with that) and then goes back to a slow decrease.
Then 1 is where it shall end up. "I hope you don't think I'm disgusting now," he says, trying to sound like he's joking.
"Is something wrong?" Oh no, Aarons probably does think he's disgusting and is going to want him to cancel the orgy because it's gross.
"I'm sorry. Anything I can do to help sort your head out, or should I just leave you be for a bit?" He feels like the entities running the game have got to be facepalming at him.
"Um. Do you think you can have sex before the orgy, or is your LST not high enough."
Please let that mean what he thinks it means. "I'm pretty sure if I show up to an orgy and can't perform because I've already had sex twice today the game will figure something out."
"Uh because my LST is still pretty high and my PRV is now 1 and that means, apparently, I am really really interested in being your girlfriend and having sweet loving gentle sex with you while you say nice things to me which seems kinky to me but what do I know I'm not an omniscient sex game."
"Well, my sense of these things is probably unusually likely to line up with the Erogame's, but I think it sounds extremely sweet and wholesome?" That's so much better than the case he had been worried about without consciously articulating it, to wit, Aarons ending up exclusively interested in sex within marriage for the purpose of procreation. It is, in fact, adorable.
"Maybe it thinks your fetish is cute? Or, wait, maybe it's only about acts and not about participants? If someone who was biologically female wanted the exact same thing it would be totally vanilla, right? So maybe the Erogame classes that as vanilla regardless of who's doing it." It's weird logic, but it's the same sort of weird logic that leads to videogames accidentally having gay relationship options because characters are marked as "romanceable" or "not romanceable" without a switch for the player's gender. Hopefully in this case it is not an oversight the developers intend to correct for the international release.
"I mean, I've had three girlfriends? And sex was. Okay? I guess? Kissing is nice and holding them is nice and eating girls out is nice the same way that giving them a footrub is. And then they usually got frustrated that I couldn't-- reciprocate."
"Huh. None of that sounds kinky either so if reducing your PRV got rid of your interest in it I'm confused again. Maybe anything involving girls was like, right on the edge of your sexuality and you were using your openness-to-new-experiences to try it anyway and now you want to stick to what you definitely like? I dunno, I feel like I'm making up epicycles."
" far as I can tell you are the only person in the world where kissing them or seeing them naked is at all appealing."
". . . Okay now I'm wondering if PRV 1 is supposed to make people ace and I got an unprincipled exception." He side-eyes a random wall, for lack of a better target.
"That can't be it because I have LST 24. Low LST makes you asexual, right? Low PRV makes you extremely vanilla. And apparently the most vanilla possible me wants you to hold me and kiss me and tell me you love me and fuck my ass while calling me the prettiest girl in the world. And I still have a lot of horniness but normally it was-- spread out across a bunch of things-- like, pretty girls in magazines and sexy underwear and eyeliner and getting my ex-girlfriend off and getting pregnant and getting married and having my hair done and being called ma'am-- but now none of those things are interesting and all of the horniness is specifically concentrated in how nice it would be to have your dick inside me and this is very distracting actually. Um. --I guess the sexy underwear is nice if I think about you thinking I'm pretty when I wear it."
"That's--very convenient from my perspective. Also super hot." That probably isn't the Good Supportive Boyfriend thing to say but he can't see what is because the mental image of Leia in sexy underwear is in the way.