Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
They're getting close to campus; Bruce texts Asher asking where and when they should meet up and also does he have any ideas for things that are 1) hot and 2) implausible.
"Asher thinks I should try to, quote, summon my celebrity crush. I have no idea if that level of coincidence is possible yet but the image of Soo-Jin Park appearing in a pentagram and offering to buy my soul with the secrets of particle physics is pretty hilarious."
"She is cute, isn't she? I saw her interview about the Higgs Boson and she was so smart and good at explaining things and pretty."
"Of course I think you're cute, I'm your--" how about Lev doesn't finish that sentence.
There really ought to be a word for "person I am dating" that's less forward and commitment-y than "partner". "You are! And you are also cute, so there."
"I don't know if summoning her via ominous Latin chanting works but I bet summoning her via informing reality that she will be in this particular coffeeshop and horny does."
"Do you think it'll still work if we wait until I have pants again." Being naked in public is different from being naked at someone in particular, or at least that's what the mangled mess that remains of his politeness instinct is insisting.
"We really should, yeah." Fortunately they are not too far from campus at this point; they can split off to their respective dorms and meet up again re-pantsed.
Lev goes to his dorm room, puts on a miniskirt and a blouse, takes it off, and puts on blue jeans and a T-shirt about why God never got tenure.
Bruce goes to his dorm room, puts on jeans and a t-shirt with a picture of the LHC and the caption "One Ring to Rule Them All", takes it off, and puts on a different pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a picture of a feathery velociraptor.
Oh, his boyfriend looks really cute in a feathery velociraptor shirt!
(Unlike Lev, who looks awful.)
The thought "my boyfriend" fills Lev with an ENORMOUS QUANTITY OF SOCIAL ANXIETY.
His fellow sex wizard partner (in crime) best friend looks really cute in a snarky religion shirt. Bruce would never have the guts to wear that shirt but it's very cool and Aarons is cool for wearing it.
"Hi. So, hm, do you want to hear my reasoning for why Soo-Jin Park totally might be getting a coffee in Darwin's fifteen minutes from now? Hopefully it's convincing enough for reality."
"Okay, so. MIT has loads of physicists, and loads of conferences, so there's no reason to believe there isn't a physics conference going on right now, and if there is then why wouldn't Soo-Jin Park be invited, she's awesome. Then, it's late enough in the afternoon that the conference has probably switched over from big speeches to small-group networking, and that tends to take up more space per person and spill over into everywhere with chairs between the river and Central Square, and the people with Switzerland jet lag will inevitably end up in the coffee shops."
That was a ridiculous series of leaps of logic and he would be worried about Michael Shermer jumping out from behind a bush and yelling at him if that was the sort of thing that happened, but it isn't and ridiculous leaps of logic having real affects might be.
"Got what, the game? I dunno, you're a lot gutsier than me, you'd probably be making faster progress." It's not like he doesn't want Soo-Jin Park to think he's hot, it's just that it doesn't feel like the sort of thing that can be caused by coincidences. Unless the coincidence was in causing him to have a crush on someone whose type he is; that seems like slightly less of a strain on suspension of disbelief.
"Well, my first quest would have been someone kidnapping me and forcing me to be a girl against my will so it's not my fault."
He thinks about this. "I think if I had something like that happen I would feel like it was my fault for--being the sort of person the game would do that to? But turning into a girl isn't actually bad as far as I can tell, so being the sort of person who gets turned into one isn't either and it sounds like an epic story that would get you a lot of points."