Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
"Hmmm, and I don't want to buy new pants either. You make a compelling argument." He strips, wads his gross pants and underwear up and stuffs them into his shirt so he has a convenient bundle with a nongross surface.
"I'm not sure I want to walk around naked even at BOD 17." Lev pokes his head out of the alleyway and looks for clothing stores. Restaurant, restaurant, grocery store, bookstore, restaurant, Anthropologie, Victoria's Secret-- "--oh come on."
"Oh, come on," he says to the sky. "Just because I would enjoy watching him walk around naked is no reason to be bogus about it." Then to Aarons, "Maybe the Victoria's Secret sells, like, workout shorts or something?" He hasn't seen women's underwear since he stopped sharing a washing machine with his mom.
"Is this a situation where I should yell at the game, or where I should yell at anyone who gives you crap for wearing a dress? Not that anyone in their right mind would object to a dress when I'm right here being starkers."
"Well, everything I was scared to do until you egged me on turned out to be a good idea, so I'm tempted to borrow your strategy."
"And from the looks of it, so does the game, so I bet we'll get enough magic to make it happen soon. Might as well dress for the job you want. I'm sorry, that was an awful pun and this is clearly serious business."
He looks up at the sky.
"You know, now would be a really convenient time for Bruce to acquire a telepathy power."
Quest available: Professor XXX
Acquire telepathy.
Success: Telepathy, ??? does not have to communicate ??? feelings in words.
Failure: ????
"Aaaand quest prompt. How are you so much better at this game than I am." He reads off the prompt, question marks and all. "No time limit, so I might as well take it despite having no clue how to do it."
"...this does not really solve the problem though. Which is that I'm being force-femmed by a sex-obsessed nigh-omnipotent deity."
"Yeah that I have no clue how to fix. . . . Possibly, and I am not even a little bit blaming you for this because an omnipotent sex game ought to be better about consent, it thinks you're consenting to it because you want to be a girl? And if you make your preferences really clear it will get its shit together?"
", I extremely definitely want to be a girl. I just didn't think about the part where I have to, um. Have conversations about it."
". . . Is that code for 'shut up'." Bruce generally suspects that a lot of things said to him are code for "shut up" but he's usually not interested enough in complying to figure out which ones.
"No, because I'm going to have to spit it out at some point, I just. Um. Ikinkonbeingagirl."
"Ohhh, okay. I thought it was, like, a really strong aesthetic preference or something. Not sure what the implications are other than it making more sense why the game is pushing you on it."
".........well for one thing I like having sex with men because it's a thing girls do."
Bruce scratches his head. "I mean, guys do also do that sometimes, but if you didn't start being into guys until you acquired a being a girl kink then I guess it could be causal?" Psychology is definitely the most confusing part of bio but that's part of its charm, really.
"I don't... really... have... aspects of my sexuality... that aren't about being a girl."
"Huh. I wonder if I have aspects of my sexuality that are separate from being a guy, but that might be like asking a fish what it likes about water. Man, now I really want that telepathy power."