Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
Lev approaches a second pretty girl. "Hello! I've been noticing you around campus. I find you to be very attractive. Would you like to have a threesome with me and the last girl I did this with?"
Okay, if he got an ERO point just for watching someone else do that, clearly he can manage to do it for himself. And he can't just be dead weight and let Aarons do all the work. He has to try this.
He picks a girl who is definitely pretty but not, like, intimidatingly pretty, just sort of low-effort jeans-and-t-shirt pretty, makes solid eye intact with the air to the left of her head, and says, "H-hello. I find you to be very attractive. My friend and I are throwing an orgy later, want to come?"
Okay, maybe he shouldn't've borrowed legitimacy by inviting himself to Aarons' three-way, but there'll be plenty of time later to fork the project, as it were, if he turns out not to be welcome. And he's about to get turned down anyway, so what does it matter, really.
"Maybe there's an app for it." Wait, did she just say yes? He's pretty sure she just said yes. Okay, apparently he has to go to an orgy now on the off chance she shows up. Ooh, and if people do show up maybe he can make progress towards fucking strangers for an eidetic memory. Too bad "stranger" isn't clearly defined so he doesn't know if he needs to e.g. avoid learning this woman's name.
Lev overhears.
"There's definitely an app for that," he says. "It's called"-- he blanks-- "uh, Orgy-nization."
"What an excellent name for an app." Aarons is so clever, both for coming up with that on the fly and for the awesome name. "I'm going to download it." He pulls out his phone. Come on, Erogame, you know you want this to be a thing, there's nothing in any of our experience that contradicts it being a thing, it could totally have been there the whole time. He feels a bit like if Wile. E. Coyote had decided to run off a cliff on purpose.
"Cool," the girl says, taking out her phone.
And right there in the app store is Orgy-nation, the #1 app for inviting people to and organizing orgies. Bruce may notice that the app was apparently created ten seconds ago.
Ahahaha this is fine, the ground of reality is quicksand but at least he gets useful apps out of it! Just gonna make an account and not worry about how he can't be confident of the existence of anything he isn't looking straight at, or really anything he is looking straight at, oh wait the reason it's ten seconds old is probably because time travel isn't Turing computable, isn't that neat SHUT UP BRAIN.
He does manage to get what exists of the orgy so far configured in the app mid-existential-crisis, because smartphone use is basically a spinal reflex.
(Across Boston, thousands of people suddenly get the impulse to take out their phones and see whether anyone has ever made an app to help find other people to have orgies with.)
The #1 app for inviting people to and organizing orgies is very well-designed! Bruce can easily enter in the people who are currently invited. There's an option to search for those who are socially incompatible with the current invitees and block them from seeing the orgy. He can put down his preferred safer sex practices for the orgy. He may also enter his preferences for the orgy: genders and orientations and ages, body types like "bears" or "twinks" or "fat" or "big boobs" or "petite" or "pregnant," special interest groups such as "geek" or "leather" or "HIV-positive," and a mind-boggling array of kinks many of which Bruce has never heard of. (Sneezing! Fireplay! Figging! Feeding! Kigurumi! Balloons!) If he fills out the form for his orgy and marks it as public, he will get suggestions of people whom he might want to invite.
There is also a space to share his most recent STI test results. It says that he has been confirmed by Doctor So-and-so to be completely free of all STIs.
Bruce starts filling out the form because that's what you do with forms, then reconsiders this policy, then keeps filling out the form but with more self-awareness.
Not having socially incompatible people sounds good, and while he's thinking about it he should invite Asher. He doesn't have any body type preferences, at least none he endorses enough to admit to in a web form, but geeks are excellent. His preferred safer sex practices are slightly on the conservative side, since his STI immunity doesn't extend to other orgy participants having sex with each other. (He makes a note to hit the Mass Ave CVS for condoms, and also to try to convince the Erogame that surely two people who have just fucked him without infecting him clearly couldn't infect each other either.)
He has a bit of a moral dilemma about the test results section. On the one hand, he is in fact a negligible STI risk. On the other hand, that doctor is super fake or at least didn't test him. Is it lying to give someone a justified true belief by providing untrue information, if they'll forget the untrue part and remember the true part? Eventually he decides that the doctor's name is sort of a pseudonym for the entities running the Erogame, who are pretty clearly qualified to declare him disease-free, and that if someone told him an equivalent fib he wouldn't hold it against them. He puts in the results.
A skill has been created by a special action! Deciding to use condoms in your orgy has created the skill Dr. Jenner Has Nothing On Me.
Info/Skills/Dr. Jenner Has Nothing On Me
Dr. Jenner Has Nothing On Me. Passive. Lvl 1.
When you're having sex with multiple people at once, no participant will pass on STIs, and conception will only occur if both biological parents are enthusiastic about the prospect and the child will have at least two people willing to raise it. This skill applies to orgies, sex parties, play parties, gangbangs, reverse gangbangs, mecha powerup sequences, blood doll parties, attempts to abuse the Nectar skill, [your ERO is too low to see this item], [your FUK is too low to see this item], [your PRV is too low to see this item], [your PRV is too low to see this item], and any other situation in which you are present in group sex, even if you are not at that moment participating.
Ooh, he got a skill just from thinking about it again. Good thing everyone in the room is staring at their phones so he has plenty of time to read it.
First of all, this is awesome. Not as awesome as the invention of vaccines, whatever the rather embarrassingly arrogant skill name says about it, but there's plenty of room below "vaccines" on the awesomeness scale.
Secondly, so much burning curiosity. What sort of mecha powerup sequence involves acts with a risk of conception or STI transmission, and how does he get in on that, it sounds potentially extremely cool? Why do gangbangs come in default and reverse? What are all those secret list items??? And what is a blood doll party? Okay, Google can actually help with that last one, apparently it's when someone feeds a bunch of vampires, he can see how that would be a disease risk wait shit do vampires exist now, no wait that's a perk option, never mind, he probably doesn't need to deal with vampires existing right now.
"Fifteen, and I got a new skill--apparently STIs aren't contagious and pregnancy is opt-in as long as I'm in the room. I should still make sure we have condoms tonight, though, since people won't know that."
He turns to the woman he had just propositioned and says, "Good news, tonight's orgy is going to be a magically STI-free zone," in a tone that isn't obviously joking but which he could totally claim was a joke if that's how she decides to take it.
"Because I literally have unexplained reality-bending powers. Or am a conduit for same, I guess."
"Huh," she says. "Weird. My dad's a witch, so that makes sense. All sorts of people have random magic powers."
A skill has been created by a special action! Explaining ludicrous truths has created the skill Just Follow The Fucking Rabbit.
Info // Skills // Just Follow the Fucking Rabbit:
Just Follow the Fucking Rabbit: Lvl 1. Active. DOM / Special.
Convince 1 other person to go along with 1 instance of Erogame Logic. This skill cannot of itself cause someone to act contrary to their interests or desires, but helps convince them that the event is not hallucinatory, that it's fine not to use protection this time, or that the victim won't go to the police. Costs DOM equal to the ERO corresponding to the minimum improbability threshold for the ongoing event. Just Follow The Fucking Rabbit only works on statements that are, to the best of your knowledge, true.
Dressing as a sexy bunny reduces the cost of this skill by 50%.
Telling someone you're a reality bender has increased ERO by 1!
"Apparently what happens is I get an ERO point and a new skill, because you are a genius and make excellent suggestions!" Then Bruce turns back to the woman whose name he probably already found out and then forgot.
His first instinct is to disbelieve the claim that her dad is a witch, then he realizes how utterly fucking hypocritical that would be, not to mention how much of a potential missed opportunity. Why should the aliens or whatever restrict themselves to messing with only one person? Possibly it would be messing with their experiment or whatever this is if he went around seeking out other potential weirdness sources, but this one, if it's legit, got dropped like a plot hook. "That's really cool. Can I get his contact information? I want to ask him about magic at some point."