Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
"That . . . shouldn't actually bother me more than getting a job through coincidence manipulation in the first place." So he's just going to decide not to be bothered about it. Look at him being completely unbothered.
Quest available: Honorary Degree
Get Leia a degree in psychology. With sex.
Success: +7,000 XP; ????
Failure: Reduced relations with Leia; 'Nerdy Scientist' status effect
"Well, I just got a quest about it." (And now he's nervous, because while he knows that trying to do something nice for someone and failing isn't great for a friendship it's nerves-inducing to see it written down like that.) He reads off the quest text.
"I still don't want to screw up and look like an idiot in front of you though!"
Cheek kiss. "I would go 'oh good my boyfriend can make mistakes, he is not completely perfect and therefore utterly out of my league.'"
Blushing and smiling at the floor time! "Thanks. Any apparent perfection is definitely the universe cheating in my favor, but thanks."
"Probably depends on whether I accept this quest or not. I'm sort of morbidly curious where in the process of you changing your major it would suddenly be a good idea for me to have sex about it."
"...can I change my major. I feel like to get a PhD in psychology you must first get an undergraduate degree in psychology."
"I know people can get a bachelor's in one thing and a PhD in something else but I that probably does make it harder to change in the middle. Might be a matter of finding a lab that does something relevantly interdisciplinary."
"Well, there isn't a time limit to the quest--I guess if you graduate with your current major? But it's a long enough timeline that we can think of something better."
"Hmm. What if you just--started running psychology experiments and publishing papers? It's one of the less equipment-intense fields and it would be really impressive."
"So... we are the most powerful world-shapers in the history of humanity, right?"
"So... we should think about what we're trying to shape it for. I think for the past few days we've... basically been doing whatever our dicks want. And that's going to get us a society our dicks think is great, which I am not sure is going to be great for everyone else."
"Yeah, definitely. Going with what our dicks want will probably get the game to do more stuff faster, but it won't be as good as if we have some kind of long-term plan. I've got some quests that point at good long-term outcomes but we can do things without a quest too."
"Okay, so what does the world we want look like. --It might be a good idea to map out perks, it seems like perks are our big way of shifting the genre."
"Yeah, we probably want a whole list of which ones to take in what order." He pulls up the perk list and starts writing it down.
"Okay, leaving out the ones that you absolutely couldn't persuade me to take but including the questionable and/or lame ones and the ones I need to Google stuff about, we've got:"
Absolute Territory
Agent XXX (sketchy)
Animal Whisperer
But S/He/They Was/Were Such a Good Student (done)
Cal's Curse Compounded (lame)
Childe of the Night (needs research)
Cinnamon Roll
Curse of Dresden (sketchy)
Curse of Tattletale (sketchy)
Diplomatic Immunity (sketchy)
Everyone Knows
Everything Is Better With Ero (important)
Everywhere Erogenous
Fading Dream (sketchy)
Fairy-tale Painslut
Fake ID
Friends With Benefits
Home Base
I Regret My Life Choices
I See You
I'm Not Explaining This Again
Idol (why)
In Love's Name, And For Love's Sake
In Nomine Status Quo
Inheritance (sketchy)
Innocence Temporarily Regained
James Bond of Bondage
Let's Not Turn This Rape Into A Murder
Library of Sodom
Like Uber For Costumes
Lolita / Shota (only if the alternative is aging to death)
Look Who's Turned On
Mad Inventor (awesome)
Mad Scientist (awesome)
Marshmallow Test
Mating? Agreement.
Mesmer Inoculant (important!)
More Competitive Than You
Naked Before Me
No Comparison
No Regrets
Not Right Now You Don't
Off Switch
Oh My God There's Two Of Them
Perfect Sadist
Perfect Subbing
PhD in Harem Management (sketchy)
Poly Graph Test
Pretty Smart (sketchy)
Real Scientist (awesome)
Seduce, Contain, Protect
Sex God
Sin of (lame)
Skip the Boring Parts
Slightly Smarter
Something About Marry
Student Councilor (sketchy)
Style On (what)
Subspace Explorer
Super Horny
Tastes Like Chocolate
That Is Not How Hypnosis Works (sketchy)
The Eye of Yandere (sketchy)
The Maou The Merrier (what)
Time Enough For Love
To Boldly Come Where No One Has Come Before (awesome)
Transsexual (important if shareable)
True Love Conquers All (awesome)
True Love Potion
Truth (important)
United Federation of Perverts (awesome)
Urban Legend
Vengeance Shall Be Mine
Wait I'm Not Ready For This
What Are You Doing Here (sketchy)
What Dreams May Come (sketchy)
You Couldn't Help Yourself
You Didn't Hear That (sketchy)
You Fools Can't Stop Me
"Wow, there are a lot of options here. And nine or ten I definitely want. Are there any sketchy ones you want to make the case for or can I just cross all those out now?"