Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
"Sounds like it," Lev says, trying and failing to not sound incredibly jealous.
He moves into Bruce's lap.
Ooh, a lapful of Lev. Oh crap, this is having a not at all surprising effect on his anatomy and Lev is right where he's definitely going to notice. Maybe he'll pretend he didn't notice. Maybe he won't pretend he didn't notice.
"Would you, ah, would you like to come too? To the makeup store? We can see if the game affects you too."
That suggestion is having a predictable effect on Lev's anatomy!
"Yes, I would."
He slips onto the floor and starts undoing Bruce's pants.
OMG he meant it, this is awesome, except, "We're gonna get caught--no, wait, weird game shit, I bet we can totally get away with this." He might only be saying that because he wants to get blown in a library, but it's also probably true because he wants to get blown in a library, so.
Lev swallows Bruce's dick into his throat.
(This scenario requires hardly any rearranging to turn him on-- slutty girl blowing her boyfriend in public where anyone can see--)
Bruce manages to get out "Ooh, we got an ERO for that" before he has to focus on not making any sounds whatsoever. Fortunately Lev's head is perfectly positioned for him to communicate how awesome Lev is via hairpetting instead.
Lev pulls off and says, "I bet we'd get another ERO if you made noise."
This sentiment is 100% about the game and Lev receives no benefit from it at all.
This statement elicits, via a number of parallel causal pathways including "surprised" and "nervous" and "extremely horny", a strangled "Hrrrk!"
Well, it could be worse, it could have been literally anyone else. He's completely paralyzed anyway.
Bruce can't actually tell from this angle how obvious the goings-on under the table are to Asher. He grips the edges of his chair seat until his knuckles go white and stammers out "Eh, um, what--hi!"
This was slightly more than he expected but on the other hand the world is a sex game and he will never experience consequences.
"Uh--you know, stuff." Crap crap say something distracting "Did you know rodents are unable to vomit?" Dammit, why is that what he came up with.
What the hell is his life, oh right it's a simulation full of porn and awesome. "You two are unequivocally the best," he mumbles into his hands, which seem to be stuck to his face.
Part of him feels like he should explain to the random hot guy that, in fact, Lev is completely straight and is having gay sex for complicated paraphilia-related reasons, but probably the Erogame would not run him into someone who would mind, and also Asher is making out with him with Bruce's dick in between them and this is pretty distracting.