Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
"It says I will get +2 science and a bunch of question marks if I cause the definition of the standard kilogram to be changed."
"I think you did, yeah--wait, there were checkboxes next to all my skills and abilities too, we should figure out which ones you want." He flips back to the earlier list and reads it off.
I want BOD I want BOD it could be but it's not but it could--
"You should see if you can give me your stats, supernatural cuddling is nice but it's not nearly as good as FUK or BOD or SED." See, if he puts it in the middle subtly it's not like he cares about it.
Lev having supernatural cuddling skills does sound nice. So does Lev having supernatural fucking skills.
"I think I can share stats too, yeah. --I don't know if I can unshare things, though, do you want me to see if I can flip the quest off and on in case it turns out you have higher stats than me or something and taking mine makes things worse?"
Fuck Your Arbitrary Standards: gone and back and gone and back and gone and back again?
"Okay, looks like there's no backsies, or at least not via this menu. Bearing in mind that your stats might or might not change as mine change, which if any do you still want? Feel free to take a while to think about it, or take one and see what happens when mine goes up, or something."
He's going to act very very casual.
"Well, I can't imagine much reason that I'd ever want to be less hot or less good at sex or less skilled at seducing people."
"Fair, but do you want all three of those at once, or do you want to get just the least important one and see if it can go up first?"
"Okay, here goes nothing--" flip back through the menus, a brief pause in case Aarons gets cold feet despite how obvious it is that he has buckets of courage, and he shares his BOD stat.
The UI for sharing stats looks like so:
BOD 6 +/-
LST 24 /-
SED 1 +/
FUK 5 +/-
PRV 22 /-
"Oh hey, the Stats menu is actually really sophisticated, looks like I can raise all your stats until they match mine. And decrease them, if you turn out to hate having a higher BOD for some reason." Poke the + sign next to BOD?
BOD becomes a 7!
Lev is noticeably thinner and has somewhat longer hair, less stubble, a narrower and less sharp jawline, and more rounded cheeks.
It's weird that the game gave Lev such a low starting BOD when he's already cute, but Bruce isn't complaining because this way Lev gets more total shapeshifting scope to play with. "Cooool. I'm just gonna keep poking this until I run out of points or you tell me to stop." Poke poke poke etc.
Lev doesn't stop Bruce until he's at a BOD of 17.
His hair is longer than shoulder-length now, and he doesn't have any stubble; his body is thin. His facial features are delicate: thin eyebrows, big wide eyes, full cheeks, a pointed chin. He looks feminine; if you squint a bit he could be a girl. His smile, however, is the same.
"How do I look?"
"You went from 'cute' to 'cute and also pretty'! You've got sort of an androgynous Tolkien Elf thing going on. Here, check it out." He pulls up his phone's selfie camera and holds it out.
"It's pretty great! Also I'm glad it doesn't look like it's changing us in the same direction, if we converged on some alien's idea of the perfect human that would be kind of messed up."
Not that he wouldn't fuck an identical duplicate of himself, especially if it was an actual fork so he could be in two places at once, especially especially if he could experience both perspectives of the fuck at the same time. Just saying, here in the nonprivacy of his own head.