Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
"So, uh, I'm fine with that but you should know that I have a crush on you and sex will probably not help me get rid of it and also the game wants me to find out all your secrets for some reason, I haven't told it yes but I haven't told it no either but I assume you want me to?"
Quest available: Deep and Dark. Learn all of question mark question mark question mark Aaron's deepest and most shameful secrets. Success, +7,500 xp, 'Good Listener' status effect, +1 lust, +2 perv,'--those are stats I have, I can explain those next--and some more question marks. Then 'Failure: +2 ero, reduced relations with question mark question mark question mark.' I don't know why your name is question marks, my best guess is that you're secretly a superhero or something and the game wants me to find your other identity because it has no manners. . . . If you are secretly a superhero I promise to give you alibis and not tell anyone."
"And I'll stay out of your business. Sorry. Right, stats, I was gonna explain stats." He says No to Deep and Dark and pulls up his stat screen. BOD is my physical appearance as defined by I don't know what metric, so far I haven't had any disagreements with its idea of hotness. LST is, like, my average level of horniness? PRV is basically Openness to Experience but specifically sex-focused because this thing is weirdly obsessed with sex. SED is basically charisma, FUK is how good I am in bed, and ERO is a measure of how little sense my life makes." He gets pinker and pinker as he explains, but it's still better than talking about how the game wants him to mess with Lev.
Lev also looks very relieved to get the concept of his secrets off the table.
"I guess I can't ask how many points you have in half of those without it being awkward oversharing."
"It's fine, I want a second brain on this, if it's not a hallucination it's potentially a really big deal." He reads off the rest of his character sheet--stats, skills, and active quests.
"I should probably have a reaction to this other than 'I want to know what my Nectar is.'"
"Well, that's definitely something we can find out!" Bruce says in a rush of mostly-scientific excitement. Then he realizes what he just said, turns absolutely crimson and stares at the space over Aarons' shoulder. He does not, however, do anything that might constitute taking it back.
Kissing! Awesome! It's hard to remember, when they're kissing, that this isn't romantic on Lev's end, it's purely sexual and scientific. It's hard to care as much as he should either. Kissing back enthusiastically, though, that's easy.
Maybe they should be on a bed and still kissing.
He makes soft little noises into Bruce's mouth.
Lev has such excellent ideas. Bruce wants to be kissing him even more than he already is. He has fifteen unspent skill points and puts five of them in FUK as they enter the bed.
"I, uh, I raised my good-in-bed stat. I haven't spent all my points yet and I wanted to be kissing you more effectively."
Oh thank goodness, he was half expecting "that's cheating you cheater". He grins and makes a little "eee" noise and resumes Effective Kissing.
Lev has no objections to being kissed maximally effectively!
Honestly, if he were in charge of it Bruce might put all of his stat points into FUK.
Bruce likes the idea of having some stat points on hand just on case, but if he was going to allocate them all at once then FUK and ERO are clearly the best skills and the idea of having a really high FUK makes him a lot less nervous than the idea of having a really high ERO.
Does Lev have any objections to Bruce putting a hand on his shirt hem? Maybe with some of the fingers being technically under the shirt hem rather than on it?
Then Bruce will try taking Lev's shirt off, though if Lev reciprocates they might end up rather tangled.
He does not reciprocate while Bruce is taking his shirt off.
He does, however, close his eyes.
(--breasts I have breasts I am a girl with breasts and I am fucking my boyfriend and he loves me and--)
Bruce cannot read Lev's mind and wouldn't be doing it if he could. He can kiss Lev's neck and run his hands through Lev's hair and press their hips together. His own eyes are closed too, the better to focus on all of his other senses.