Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
This is not what he had expected his first kiss to involve, on so many levels! But it's good.
Oh right, kissing back, that's a thing, he should do that. He's going to have to figure it out from first principles.
Asher has so much experience guiding people who haven't had their first kiss yet!
So much experience.
Quest available: Easy As Pie
Asher is very hot and very eager and very, very good at what he does. Find out what happens if you sleep with a person who, if he were the Erogamer, would have over 20 FUK.
Success: +1000 xp, 'Afterglow' status effect
Failure: --
He is glad he already knows what to expect from the popups when there's something in his face (in this instance, another face). He stares really hard at the "yes" option and tries clicking it with his mind. It's not like he isn't being constantly mindread, he should be allowed to use it as a UI so he can dedicate his hands to slowly, tentatively making their way onto Asher's back.
Asher's hands are also making their way along Bruce's back but his are not slow or tentative at all.
This is actually happening, he's actually doing this, apparently he is seduceable by acts of extreme competence (not a shocker) and also by at least one man (something of a shocker) but why is he thinking when he could instead be makeouts?
This is Asher's thought exactly!
"My room," he says when he comes up for air, and "I didn't actually get your name."
"Bruce." He could have sworn he said that already, but he's questioning a lot of things right now. Not Asher, though; Asher is thoroughly convincing. "Your room. Yes. Good plan."
Asher holds his hand and tugs him towards Fifth East.
"If you'd met me five years ago I would have scooped you up and carried you, but unfortunately I'm not in the shape I once was."
Bruce permits himself to be tugged!
"I think if you were any more in shape it would break my already stretched suspension of disbelief." Shit, did that make any sense without the context Asher doesn't have? It at least sounded complimentary even if it wasn't coherent.
"Extremely good-looking people don't usually backflip out of trees and take an interest in me, so, yeah?"
"Extremely good-looking people have terrible taste in either activities or hookups."
Oh hey, they're going to Fifth East. Bruce is not super aware of undergrad dorm stereotypes but even he knows Fifth East has a lot of people with . . . exotic sexual tastes. Not making assumptions, not making assumptions, just rolling with it and trusting the Erogame--to do what, he isn't sure.
When they get up to Asher's dorm room Asher pulls him onto the bed, kisses him, and says, "so what are you into?"
"Unfortunately for you, I'm into getting people off, so you don't escape that easily."
"Oh dear, infinite regress. Um, how about we both get naked and make out some more until we think of something?" He is now somewhat embarrassed by their unbalanced state of undress, but also somewhat embarrassed by the thought of revealing his significantly scrawnier torso, so while he makes the suggestion he doesn't actually manage to start disrobing.
"Sounds like a good plan," Asher says, and slips his hands under Bruce's shirt to pull it off.
Asher's hands are strong and confident and warm. Bruce makes a happy little sound and helps get his shirt off.
Asher takes off his own underwear while they've already interrupted kissing.
His dick is the size of an unusually well-endowed porn star's.