Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
Sadly, the author of this thread is not capable of discussing mathematical modeling, but Sarah can, and she has many opinions about it!
The Erogame wishes to draw Bruce's attention to the fact that Sarah has breasts of the sort a video game developer would look at and go "that's a bit unrealistic."
The Erogame can, in fact, draw Bruce's attention thusly. He appreciates this fact quite a bit, even. She doesn't just make excellent models, she would probably make an excellent model.
Oops, now he feels like a jerk; her eyes are up there dammit. He ends up alternating between eye contact (yikes), boob-staring (double yikes), and looking down at the table (sigh). At least she hasn't called him out on it; maybe she hasn't noticed.
Ugh, probably. Better stare at the table some more and keep asking intelligent questions. She's a fellow scientist, damn it, not a pair of tits.
Soon he finds himself failing to totally fight off a massive yawn, and blushes again. "I'm sorry. Your research is fascinating, but I'm on forty hours of sleep-dep. I should really crash before I have to go back to the lab again." Also, sleep might cure him of the hallucination that this erogame thing probably still is.
"See you!"
When he wakes up, the Erogame is still there, which is probably bad news but he finds himself glad of it anyway. It's just so interesting.
Now that his head is clearer it's full of experiments. Does his statblock emit light that can illuminate other objects? Does it show up in reflective surfaces or on his phone camera? What happens if he sticks his hand in it? He promises he will get back to work on that quest sooner rather than later, but this interface is frankly too fascinating not to mess with.
The statblock is readable no matter how dark it is, but does not emit light.
The statblock does not show up on reflective surfaces or his phone camera.
If he tries to stick his hand in it, it will teleport to a different part of his visual field.
Ooh, he can chase it around with his hand, that's cool. Does it produce an afterimage like one would expect of a bright pink thing? What if he shuts one eye at a time or adjusts his focal depth, does it behave as if it's at a specific distance and being seen by both his eyes at slightly different angles? What if he blindfolds himself with a scarf but keeps his eyes open underneath?
It does not produce an afterimage.
It behaves as if it is at a specific distance.
If he blindfolds himself, he can still read the statblock, but now it's more similar to a Google Glass popup rather than a physical thing in the world.
That's pretty neat! Okay, back to questing. He's already raised BOD and SED; the easiest-looking next ones to try are LST and PRV. And the obvious place to start is with weird porn. He gets on the internet in incognito mode and searches for . . . Hmmm, how about "alien mind control erotica", that seems appropriate.
The Erotic Mind Control Story Archive has many stories about alien invasions!
All the stories Google suggests are hot and, more importantly, properly spelled and punctuated. One might expect alien intervention.
His life: continues to be bizzare. But hey, well-written pornography! He's pretty surprised by how turned on he gets reading about people getting beamed up into flying saucers and subjected to invasively sexual "science experiments". Which is not an invitation to do that to him in "real life". Probably.
If he would like to subject people to invasively sexual science experiments instead the Erogame is happy to accommodate.
As it is it is just weirdly easy to find hot porn.
The Erogame didn't say that where he can see it, so he can't remind it of the importance of consent.
How much weird porn does he have to read before his PRV goes up?
Yeah, he's definitely jerking off to this stuff. And then continuing to read it after he comes, because his taste in porn runs to the plot-heavy and he wants to know what happens next.
Sure it will, the reward is he gets to find out how the story ends. Hmm, how to raise LST, FUK, and ERO?
FUK is likely to be the hardest, since it requires finding someone else willing to interact with him in a sexual context. Maybe if he finds someone with really low standards?
Well, now that he puts it that way, the solution is obvious. People with really low standards, looking for sex, with a minimum of risk? Chatroulette. Even with his distinctly mediocre FUK, he can probably make someone's webcam jerkoff session better than a string of people ignoring them and wishing they'd go away.
Hopefully the game isn't expecting him to enjoy it much, though, since he's straight and the vast majority of people jerking off on chatroulette are guys. No, wait, his life is ridiculous now, maybe he'll immediately get a hot woman. Only one way to find out, though, and he's already got this incognito window.
He does not immediately get a hot woman!
He immediately gets a cute nerdy guy with glasses.
Is he very sure he is straight.
Hey, you don't have to be into guys to appreciate them aesthetically, and this guy is certainly aesthetic. "Hey."
Cute nerdy guy blushes! It is a bit weird to blush when you were planning to jerk off in front of a stranger, but such is life.
"So, uh, this is my first time. On this website, I mean. So I don't really know what I'm doing." Godfuckingdammit, just because "arbitrary appendages can now fit in any of his orifices" does not mean he needs to eat his entire foot.
He should help, somehow, be an active participant. He can't quite bring himself to take his own dick out, but he can at least be encouraging. People who do this probably like attention and compliments and stuff. "You look really sexy, I bet you always get appreciative audiences," he tries. It's not super honest but not exactly a lie, either.