Bruce Banner has just returned from his lab, where his latest experiment came out really well. He should go straight to bed, because it's six in the morning, but he can't seem to become the right kind of tired, probably also because it's six in the morning. So instead he's watching the sun rise out the window of his cozy (tiny) grad-dorm single room.
Asher drops his hand, makes fascinating little noises for a moment, and then starts taking off Bruce's pants.
Yay, getting better at stuff! Yay, fascinating noises! Yay, no pants!
(Bruce is averagely endowed, shaved, circumcized, and hard as a rock.)
Oh, he's beholding, alright.
Any attempt to express Bruce's inner monologue here would involve mostly keymashing, and not even on the letter keys. Suffice it to say he is having an excellent time.
He probably won't be able to keep having this excellent of a time for very long, but the fact that he already came once today is helping.
Fortunately for him, Asher pulls off, kisses his thighs until he calms down enough to say words, and says, "do you like things in your ass?"
Last week he would have said no, that sounds painful and slightly gross. But this week he has Erogamer's Body and gets stat bonuses for expanding his horizons. "I'm not sure . . . want to help me find out?"
He kisses the tip of Bruce's dick.
"How about you fuck me senseless and I'll save fucking you for next time, my dick is a bit much to take for your first time ever."
"Yeah, I was thinking something significantly smaller than your dick. That all sounds good." Then his brain catches up to the words "next time" and he's grinning like an idiot.
"Do you have condoms?" He can't get or spread STDs now, but Asher doesn't know that.
"Yeah." He looks in his nightstand drawer. "--Actually, shit, no, I'm all out. That's weird, I thought I'd bought some."
Did the Erogame steal Asher's condoms. Is that a thing that just happened. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so juvenile.
"Well, I'm too much of a virgin to give you anything, and neither of us is at much risk from oral, but what are you comfortable with?" Somehow he suspects that the pharmacy is out of stock.
"Well, I don't want to give you something. Shitty first time partner thing."
"We could stick to--hands and mouths? If you tell me you're clean I'll believe you." Or at least believe he's more likely to be correct than mistaken and more likely to be mistaken than lying, and that it doesn't matter anyway.
yeah this would totally be worth a course of antibiotics for
that's such an irresponsible thought
Asher has absolutely no gag reflex and also he makes enthusiastic little noises when he's sucking cock and also his hair is so soft. Has Bruce considered touching his hair? It's very soft.
Bruce had been refraining out of a vague sense that it's wrong to touch people's hair without permission and it's also wrong to ask permission to touch a Black person's hair, but his sense of touch is very much not vague right now and he is definitely petting Asher's hair. It's so soft and fluffy and excellent. Bruce is making incoherent little happy sounds about all of this.
That is good. They can both make incoherent little happy sounds. This is the sort of behavior Asher approves of in his hookups.
Mmmm, cuddles. Bruce attempts to communicate "that was excellent" and "you are excellent" and "being close to another human is so great" through cuddles, since words aren't fully online yet.
You no longer have the status effect "'Innocent' Virgin."
A skill has been created by a special action! Cuddling Asher has created the skill 'Cuddle.'
Cuddle. Lvl 1. Active. 1 D|S / use.
When this skill is active, you will instinctively know the best ways to hold someone to make them feel warm, safe, protected, and comfortable. Your limbs will not fall asleep no matter what position you are in. More advanced cuddle skills will be unlocked at higher levels.
He gets a cuddle superpower! The sensation of new intuitions appearing in his head is pretty amazing. He takes full advantage and adjusts to snuggle Asher more optionally.
Asher makes a soft happy noise and rests his head on Bruce's shoulder.
He's still hard but he doesn't seem super inclined to do anything about it.
Then Bruce will just cuddle him for a few minutes while he finishes rebooting, and then ask softly, "Your turn?"