Marlo Lane
"The Erogamer"
LVL: 1 (0%)
Stats:DOM: 2/100
SUB: 15/200
BOD: 20 (+)
LST: 1 (+)
SED: 6 (+)
FUK: 4 (+)
PRV: 19 (+)
ERO: 10 (+)
Points: 5
Money: $1,220Status Effects: None
Description: Marlo Lane is a novice police officer hoping to make a difference. For the last year, he has been consumed with anxiety about Sasha Michaels, his best friend, who has been diagnosed with cancer and is expected to have no more than three months to live. His desperation to save his friend has opened him up to the possibilities of the Erogame.
Erogamer's Body (Lvl MAX): The biological ability to live your life as an erogame. Venereal disease doesn't exist for you, or pregnancies or refractory periods. Arbitrarily large appendages can fit inside any of your orifices. You heal from all marks with a good night's sleep, ready for the next day's adventures. Other aspects of this skill depend on the BOD stat.
Erogamer's Mind (Lvl MAX): The mental flexibility to live your life as an erogame. You're more able to accept the realities of your new world. You'll also bounce back from painful, upsetting and bizarre sexual experiences with relative ease. Rape can be anything from a recoverable trauma to a Tuesday afternoon, but it won't ruin your life. Other aspects of this skill depend on the FUK, SED, LST, and PRV stats.Erogamer's World (Lvl MAX): The consent of reality to live your life as an erogame. People are never too preoccupied to consider sex or romance, not while you're around. Bystanders won't ignore what you do, but they're unlikely to actually stop you. Those who do decide to involve themselves are drawn into the logic of the Erogame. If you go far enough that an authority sees no choice but to intervene… they won't treat you as a simple criminal. Other aspects of this skill depend on the ERO stat.
To Mine Own Me Be True (Lvl MAX): Even at the center of the Erogame, you are not just an erogame character, but a human being possessed of his own free will. Your family will always be safe from you, and little children everywhere.
True Love Conquers All: If you love someone enough, nothing can ever permanently separate them from you. The only exception is their wishing to leave you---deliberately, voluntarily, and based on correct information. People you love will live out a full natural lifespan and they will never die before you do. If they ever face serious physical or psychological harm, you will always get a chance to rescue them. This applies to any type of love, not just romantic love. If you would undergo hardship and sacrifice to protect someone, if losing them would leave a scar on your heart that never fully heals, then you will be able to take care of them, and in time you will always be reunited.
Info // Character Stats // Level:
At LVL 1, and 0% progress toward the next level, you'll never be this weak again. You can increase your level by completing the quests the Erogame offers you, or by causing romantic and sexual events to happen to you or around you. The more difficult the challenge, the greater the rewards.
Info // Character Stats // Body:
With the average being 10, and perfect 10s being 40, your BOD of 20 makes you solidly the most attractive person in the room, assuming the room isn't in Hollywood, California.
You can increase this stat through exhibitionism, and other acts that invoke the pure beauty and power of your physical form.
Info // Character Stats // Lust:
At a LST of 1, you're very nearly asexual. For now, anyway.
You gain in this stat while experiencing sexual urges that are unusually intense or that go on unusually long.
Info // Character Stats // Seduction:
Your SED of 6 makes it possible for you to get a date with a girl who doesn't have anything else to do that Friday. Could be worse, but could be much better.
You can increase this stat by arousing the romantic interest or sexual desire of others, and successfully pursuing them or being caught.
Info // Character Stats // Fucking:
Your FUK of 4 means you'd better be extra careful with your teeth. As for other bedroom skills, have you considered trying to… well… move?
How do you increase this stat? Take a guess.
Info // Character Stats // Perversion:
Your PRV of 19 despite your total romantic isolation is a sad commentary on the decadence of the third millennium. Nonetheless, casual exposure to a variety of naughty ideas has left you open to a whole host of things you prefer not to think about.
You can increase this stat by being a little less close-minded, and acting accordingly.
Info // Character Stats // Erogame Logic:
At an ERO of 10, your life has become an erogame taking place in a mostly realistic setting. What happens to you might seem unlikely to others, but it won't break their belief in a sane universe… yet. Witnesses will reach for explanations other than the Erogame, but they'll still notice the unusual events.
If you keep pushing probability to its limits, then probability will learn to be a bit more flexible down there, relax and take it in and not protest so much.
Info // Character Stats // Dominant and Submissive Energy:
If this were a different game, you'd have mana and hit points.
It isn't.
A skill has been created by a special action! Holding Sasha while he sleeps has created the skill Sleep Telepathy.
Info/Skills/Sleep Telepathy
Sleep Telepathy: Lvl 1, Active, 1 SUB/use
Sleep telepathy allows you to read someone else's mind as long as you are in the same room as them and they are asleep. At Lvl 1, you learn how they want you to interact with them to create the best sleep environment possible.
This he doesn't mind at all.
He uses Sleep Telepathy — Sasha wants him to move so Sasha's head is at a different angle, to play with his hair, to put his hand higher on Sasha's back; he — does what he's asked. Or not asked, technically.
Following Sasha's fast-asleep instructions has caused Sleep Telepathy to go up by 1!
Info/Skills/Sleep Telepathy
Sleep Telepathy: Lvl 1, Active, 1 SUB/use
Sleep telepathy allows you to read someone else's mind as long as you are in the same room as them and they are asleep. At Lvl 2, you learn how they want you to interact with them to create the best sleep environment possible, and you can see their dreams.
He looks so peaceful; his breathing is soft and light and even.
(When Marlo checks, he wants Marlo to keep playing with his hair — to run his fingers down Sasha's chest and stomach to places Marlo would rather not think about — and he's having a very vivid dream about exactly that.)
Nope nope nope nope nope.
He lets go of Sasha — whispers "I'm sorry, work thing" when Sasha blinks up at him, still half asleep — leaves. Goes back to his own apartment and puts a shirt back on.
It does, a little. He ignores it.
He takes a moment to stay in his car and pray before he goes into work the next day.
...great. Awesome. He is not looking forward to how the erogame will interact with his job.
"Thank you, sir," he says instead of that.
His boss goes through some orientation things!
"--Oh, and one more thing," he says, "I wouldn't normally say this for how new you are, but you're a bright young man. Eager. We've been looking for someone for undercover work."
Of course.
"What sort of undercover work?" he says, because he might as well find out now rather than later.
"Well," he says, "we need someone to do stings in order to collect evidence that will allow us to arrest women for prostitution."
Quest available: Go Under Covers
You don't know the escort was going to illegally have sex with you for money unless you make a noble sacrifice and fuck her for the cause.
Objective #1: Arrest one prostitute. +100 xp, +1 PRV, improved relations with boss
Objective #2: Arrest ten prostitutes. +1000 xp, +2 SED, +$500, ???
Objective #3: Arrest 100 prostitutes. +10,000 xp, +1 BOD, +1 SED, +1 PRV, +$1500/month, ???
Objective #4: Arrest 1,000 prostitutes. ????
That is not what he was signing up for when he took this job.
"I think I'll get back to you after I've been on Vice for more than a day," he says, and clicks N.
His boss looks a little disappointed. "Of course. Right now we'll have you on the desk so you can process the people we arrest? Get your feet wet?"
The first three people he processes are normal.
The fourth is... not.
In general, prostitutes are pretty but ordinary-looking women wearing normal clothing: blue jeans, T-shirts, maybe high heels. It's not very good to attract attention if you're doing something illegal, and the Girlfriend Experience is more popular than the Porn Star Experience anyway.
The latest woman who was arrested did not seem to have gotten this memo. Her hair is long and platinum blonde and her makeup is put on with a trowel. She's wearing a cutoff shirt knotted over her enormous breasts; her breasts are almost falling out, and you can see a little bit of one of her nipples. Her legs are technically covered, if you count fishnets as leg covering; her miniskirt is so short you can see her ass. Her heels are high enough that Marlo gets sympathetic foot pain just looking at them.
Oh, good Lord.
"I can get you a blanket if you'd like one," he says, "that can't be warm."
"I don't need one," she says in a voice like Jessica Rabbit, and bends over so Marlo gets a look straight down her cleavage.
Her breasts, having essentially nothing to hold them up, jiggle with every movement of her shoulders.
"No, but there is something else you can help me with."
That's also uncomfortable.
"What might that be," he says, roughly one hundred and six percent sure that he already knows.