“I don’t know. I would probably see it banned, if you think we can. I worry that’s overextending ourselves, and that people will see it as an attack on all concepts of obedience, or all promises, but maybe if the right person introduces it. The best thing tactically might be to ban it without talking about what it means people can’t promise, rather than what people can’t take from them. Have a list of rights that no contract can legally rob a person of, and make it explicit that interfering with those rights is - well, I don’t know if we want it to be grounds to nullify the contract, or be a crime, or what, but not allowed in some manner. I don’t have a clever way to prevent people from punishing those who make use of their rights, but - I think allowing some organizations to break bad contracts, and ensuring that everyone has a right to contact those organizations and petition for it, will at least do something. I do want to make sure that we don’t exclude marriage from the class of contracts that religious orders can break, I think we want to just have a stringent approval process so that we don’t end up with Caydenite orders who go around dissolving every marriage everyone asks them to.
I think the most important thing is that nothing requires general obedience. I am - worried, following the discussion of Cyprian’s code of laws, that someone might try to deny women basic rights until marriage, and either thoughtlessly or deliberately write into the law that marriage requires a promise of obedience, without clarifying anything that this obedience does not cover. And that, I think, would be completely disastrous, because Chelish marriages don’t work like that, not ones where the people in question plan to respect each other. We would be telling many men that it is wrong to marry, and that what we want is to relegate all women to the status of slaves. And - a lot of Chelish men will go for it, if they're offered that. Not all of them, they're not all terrible, but - enough that it might be very difficult to fix it, if the floor is deciding."