Citadel Station looms large ahead of them, slowly orbiting Telos and casting a broad shadow over the blasted surface below. The Ebon Hawk comes in for a landing in the hangar they're directed to, setting down light as a feather and powering down with barely a complaint. Uthuar and Sharra had done good work on her, with T3-M4's help.
"I'll be fine, it's not like I was supposed to be watching it. You can talk to the chief about Uthuar, I guess? Maybe he'll let you see him."
Back up out of the hangar bay they go!
<Have holo of HK-50 attack on T3-M4,> Isk offers, in galactic binary this time, <Maybe enough to let mechanic see wife.>
Sharra relays their words! Padawan Sharra Garon can under galactic binary just fine.
"Is this a common problem? Ships being stolen. I didn't know there was so much crime on the station..."
"No! We haven't had any stolen ships in a few months, and the last one was involved in a criminal operation we cracked down on shortly after it happened. We'll have your ship tracked down soon, I'm sure of it."
He calls the transport, and it's back to the station for the second time today.
"You can turn your droid's record into the chief," he adds, "Maybe something'll come of it."
Atton settles down with Sharra in his lap this time. The transport is a four-seater, and no one else climbs in.
"Those apartments better be nice to make up for this," he grumbles.
"Uh... You'll have to take that up with the chief. And maybe Accounts. We'll cover your necessities while we're hosting you?"
"But our ship got stolen under your watch! I'm sure we're entitled to way more. Don't you have insurance? Isn't the Republic taking care of everything?"
"I mean, insurance isn't really a station security issue- you can see if the ship's on any plans? But it's the Ebon Hawk, it probably isn't, who'd insure a ship like that?"
"It was in your custody when it was stolen," Atton says, scowling at him, "We didn't lose it, you did."
"I'm really, really not the officer to talk to about this! I'll put you in touch with our thefts office, okay? Or you can ask the chief to do that!"
Grumbles! She will. She looks down at Atton.
"Do you still have your cards? They're probably the most valuable thing we have..."
Padawan Sharra Garon sighs. "She is really great," she nods. "And the first ship that's really been mine. Ours."
And they arrive back at the station.
Once out of the car, the officer races ahead of them up the stairs, eager to give his report and escape this situation.
Sharra and Atton can give him a little time to give his panicked report while they finish their kisses.
They sure can!
Atton helps them both over the side of the transport between kisses, and then leans up against the wall to give them more support.
Isk pauses at the bottom of the stairs to give them the most judgemental look a droid without humanoid arms can give.
Atton's just going along with what she wants here!
Also he's leaning in to whisper in her ear, "You wanna go with this protection thing, or split and find some other way off this station?"