After a week and a half after the first cooking class Dal-Yora sends out invitations for tea party.
For which I am grateful. Even the Vaesteri residence is not big enough to make this conversation last for long. They reach the TV room, which the relevant device in honored display.
They have to drawn the curtains, because whoever designed the interior decorated failed to account for "light on the screen". Luckily, the place looks quite cozy this way.
"Nice," Inara says looking around, regards Teronmas thoughtfully. "What are your feelings on cuddling?"
"Wise words." He puts the baking goods within reach and then sits down on the very comfortable sofar, patting the seat next to him.
It is definitely a good way to be introduced to Earth media! Inara is not necessarily the best partner for viewing things with - she makes observations, alternately cheers for and chides the characters, and generally commentates her way through it.
He loves some good commentary. What's even the point of watching something together without them both participating?
Ooh. Excellent. The more commentary the better! It gives Inara something to respond to and expand upon!
Thomas tries his best to have excellent ideas. Speaking of those: How does she feel about kissing?
Well then. She'll see him then. Or possibly at some other point if there's another group outing before then.