“So, given that every other inhabitant of Nirvana that I know of is some kind of fluffy herbivore, I was wondering—”
The look that Arazni gives her would be enough to paralyze her in terror if she were not completely immune to fear, but since she is and they both know it, it’s almost a friendly sort of glare. Almost.
—at this point, naturally, a distant demigod’s Plane Shift goes off target, and the silence between them is broken by a loud pop as air is pushed out of the way to make room for—
—a fluffy herbivore. Well, she’s in armor, but underneath she’s still pretty fluffy.
For the briefest of instants Arazni is very alarmed! But if someone were trying to kill her they wouldn’t do it like this, and she’s really astonishingly good at reading people, and an instant after that she has a pretty good idea what joke the universe is playing on them, and after another instant she breaks into unrestrained laughter.
Iomedae’s sword is out of its sheath and between her and the new arrival faster than an ordinary human can even perceive motion, but she does notice Arazni laughing, and is also supernaturally good at reading people even if they happen to be tiny adorable horse-creatures, and while it’s facially ridiculous she also has an immediate guess about who the tiny adorable horse-creature corresponds to in some bizarre metaphysical sense. It’s not Arazni.
“As your commanding officer—” she manages to get out between bouts of laughter “—this was a poor use of a planar binding spell—but—well played. Well fucking played.”