Angela waits for Victòria outside on the campus of the Iomedaean temple, sitting on a bench someone's sanded all the pentagrams off of, reading through some transcripts.
let's spend a half an hour talking to victoria on purpose before we collectively spend six hours talking to her by accident
"You as well."
And she doesn't have anything else planned for the night, so she's going to head back to the temple of Shelyn. Maybe she can see if Laia will let her paint some wasps near the other animals that've been going up on the walls, that sounds like a lot more fun than talking to a paladin.
Laia thinks one wasp is probably enough to start but how about right over there, there's room for a nest in this tree too.
One wasp is fine. She can't manage anything anywhere near as good as the gorgeous unicorn, but she got some practice repainting the temple back home; she can paint a reasonably competent wasp's nest and a little wasp guarding it.
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