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He holds her tighter. "Are you okay — do you need anything —" 


"I am regretting many of the decisions I made in the past few days!"


"Is there anything I can do?" 


"This is why I only let myself be her on Saturday nights and in San Francisco!"


.....oh honey. 

"Hey, I've got you — do you want me to stay —" 


"I do. I'm not sure if I should but I do."


"Then I'm staying. — let's go to the bathroom, get you cleaned up?" 


"Okay," he says, and stands up. "If I were a good person I wouldn't ever see you again."


He helps her to the bathroom, helps her get the fishnets off, gets a washcloth wet and starts wiping the cum and lube off her thighs.

".....why not?" 


"Because I want to pretend to date you because it's my fetish and that's not fair to you at all."


Ohhhh boy. 

"You told me that right out and I decided to do this with my eyes open. 

Also you're kind of my only friend and I really like talking to you and I don't want to stop." 


"You talked about your other friends."


"I went to a different college than they did. We text but — you're the only person I can hug and that matters, you know?" 

And I'm pretty sure I'm the only person you can hug and that matters too. 


"You're great. I'm sure you can meet new people." Better people. 


"....or I could stay friends with the sweet adorable person who can get me to enjoy doing math and who gives excellent hugs?" 


She's he's smiling a little bit.

"When I finished I was thinking about-- about what if I was a girl and we were dating and you loved me--" He starts to sniffle.


He holds her and pets her hair. "I do love you. And I could love you that way, it would be really, really easy, you asked me not to —" 


"I want that more than anything in the world, but--"


"But what?" 


"But I can't. Because I'm straight."


".....I have heard it said that if you're always going 'I wish I could be bi, because if I were bi I could kiss guys, but I'm straight so I can't kiss guys and that's terrible,' then probably you aren't actually very straight. And honestly, even if you are straight, you care about me and I care about you and I am okay with dating a straight guy, this isn't something I don't know I'm getting into." 


"I can definitely kiss guys and be straight. I have tested this extensively."


"'I wish I could be gay so I could date guys, but I can't date guys because I'm straight and that's terrible' is also not a very straight thing to say." 


"Fetishes are just weird."


"....honestly, 'I'm dating a straight guy and he loves me very much' is fine with me. I care about you and you care about me and I want to date you and if you're only attracted to me for weird fetish reasons then whatever, I don't care." 

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