At the top of the hillside is as good a place to look around as any, unless she'd like to go all the way to the top of the hill.
From what she can see of the island, the island is shaped somewhat like a misshapen circle, it's not all that large, perhaps an hour's walk to walk a full circuit of it, at least as far as she can see -- there might be more island on the other side of the hill, but the way things are shaped it's probably unlikely.
The only major disruption in the circular-ish shape of the island is the bay, which is another, smaller oval taken out of the island. The hill curves quite steeply down into the bay -- not a full cliff, but it doesn't look like it would be enjoyable to climb for someone who didn't enjoy that kind of hiking. The bay itself is nearly but not quite contained inside the island -- there's a small inlet to the rest of the ocean surrounding the island on all sides, flanked on either side by a sandbar with the unusual trees she'd seen before.
The bay itself is quite placid, with only the gentlest of ripples visible from her vantage point, though the water is dark despite the current sunlight.
At the side opposite to where Sable is currently standing, the waters of the bay lead to a round and large cave entrance. If there are other ways into whatever cave might be there, she can't see that from here.
The rest of island is rocky, with dots of green and gray and blue here and there to denote what little plantlife is able to grow here -- mostly lichen, but there are some occasional shrubs here and there.
There are no animals visible from this high up that she can see, though she knows that there are crabs and fish and cephalopods and jellyfish, among other things, in the tide pools.