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The dragon roars and swoops down towards the ground again. As before, a volley of arrows fly up to meet it in the moment just as it is low enough to be confident they can reach it and just before it is low enough to use its breath attack. This time, though, the dragon has learned; it tucks its wings in and dives through the volley, then suddenly flares them out again once it is just above the trees.

People scramble to scatter out of the dragon's path. A jet of flame scorches a long line across the earth, turning grass and bushes to ash and dust. 

Shields step forwards to cover the spears who couldn't move in time. Some of the shields reflect the flame back, others seem to absorb it, and Roger's shield and sword are both suddenly on fire. 


"...I gotta go get my spear back," the spearman says. "Thanks for saving my life - what was your name?" 


"Sergia. Good luck!" Are there any spears who didn't get a shield in time and look like they need to be grabbed?


"Mychaell," the spearman says before he runs off, because it is clearly good for his survival if Sergia knows his name.

Nobody looks like they need pulling - except, well, Roger is on fire, and it's difficult to see the exact situation in the chaos of reflected flames and moving bodies and shimmering magic.

Some northern fighters - Sergia might recognise one of them as an old squire from Storvik - are working as a team to get some kind of rope wrapped around the dragon's tail, and one of them is grabbing onto a spine and trying to climb on its back. The dragon whips its tail furiously and he goes flying.

Nicole is standing nearly directly under a giant dragon claw parrying it with her sword. There's another knight underneath its stomach trying to slash it with a polearm, ducking frantically out of the way when it seems like he might get crushed, and there's one guy being lifted into the air by his refusal to let go of a spear embedded in the dragon's side. 

Does Sergia want to try to fetch anyone? 


She's fetching the guy who got flung! Better to land with no momentum and have farther to run back than to land with a lot of momentum and not be able to. 

(Nicole clearly knows what she's doing, Roger set his own self on fire and she respects his life choices, and hoisted spear guy might leave his spear in the dragon if she grabs him and he seems like he'd rather keep it. She really needs to find out what types of damage everyone is resistant to before the next big fight.)


The bad news is that the veil doesn't cancel out momentum. The man crashes hard into the bushes just behind the healers with a sickening crunch and rolls, armour clattering, until he hits a tree.

The good news is there are five healers on him instantly, and one of them flashes Sergia a thumbs-up. "Got him!"

Someone else in a Black Diamond tabard is trying to personally wrestle the dragon. He appears to have some kind of super-strength and is successfully keeping it on the ground by pinning one of its hind legs, but he's clearly straining.

"Watch out!" shouts Ludmila. The dragon is looking directly at them and the inside of its mouth has a menacing red glow. 


Oh shit they're about to get fried and their cover is a wooden tree

She can't move the healers away, only move people to her

Nicole is specifically fireproof



Nicole is swinging at the dragon's scaly toes and then suddenly the dragon isn't there and her sword tip embeds itself in the earth. She looks up and only has half a second to assess the situation - she's elsewhere, did Sergia think she was in danger and call her against explicit instructions? - oh, nope, there's a giant rush of flame coming towards her at quite an unreasonable speed - oh the healers need saving - she closes her eyes and breathes out and clenches her fist around an ancient ring on her finger and stands impossibly still. Impossibly poised.

She has been a princess twice in her life; the ring answers to her. 

Pure white light flashes. 

Being caught in Nicole's aura doesn't make people fall in love with her, exactly, technically, especially not with only the one exposure, especially for people (like straight women) not ordinary inclined to fall in love with her. She's been told it makes her seem unattainable, and she supposes some people are quite into chasing the unattainable. She's also been told it makes her seem untouchable, in the sense that it would be obscene and unthinkable to allow a spatter of dirt to hit her, and people ought to lay down their cloaks in puddles so that she wouldn't have to step in them, and warriors ought to die in her name rather than let her be spoken ill of. She's seen it knock people unconscious for thinking about her in the wrong way. 

Nicole has no intention of ever letting anyone else try it on her, so she's not about to really find out how it feels, and she is praying Sergia has the good sense to dive behind her into the treeline and not get caught in it. She can't look to check now. Closing her eyes helps with pretending to herself that she really believes nothing can get close to her. 


The fire does not dare to do her harm. It cannot sully her beauty by scorching her dress or burning her face. Inside her aura it becomes a warm sunlight that respectfully highlights her calm smile and sets her jewellery sparkling. There is nothing impure or base or ugly inside that aura at all; even the mould on the dead tree disintegrates. 

When she feels the heat die down, her eyes snap open and the light immediately fades. No more pure virgin princess. She heaves the tip of her sword out of the earth and stares directly at the dragon's maw. "Fuck you. Leave them alone." 

And she's back into the fray. No time to look back. 


Prince Gabriel Sánchez de la Fuente is focused on glory. 

Heavenly fire is burning in his hands. He has a gigantic hammer that weighs twice what he does, but he twirls it in one hand like it weighs nothing. The hammer grants him the strength to lift it. 

Time to try out his newest power. He steps up into the air and aims for the sky, and it works for a brief second but then he falters and hits the ground again hard and has to roll with the impact.

Still no flight, then, so he isn't going to be able to punch the dragon in the face. Still not good enough. Maybe with a little more glory? 

With a fierce war cry of, "ATLANTIA!" he throws a fireball at the dragon. 


The dragon is largely unaffected. 


Sergia missed Nicole's aura because she was, yeah, running the other way with the healers, and by the time they've regrouped Nicole has moved on. 

Reorient. What's happening now? Anyone else getting thrown through the air, or crushed under claws, or on fire and trying to put themselves out?


Gabriel is throwing fireballs of golden heavenly flame at the dragon. The dragon seems to mostly find this amusing, but it's definitely incredibly visually spectacular and attention-grabbing. The dragon lunges for him, he smacks it in the nose with a giant hammer, and it decides to stay out of his range.

Two Storviki are hauling themselves up the dragon's tail spine by spine. It looks incredibly difficult to hang on, but they've got a rope lashed around it and what looks like some kind of ice pick.

A group of archers has emerged from the trees and are sending arrows straight at the dragon's eyes whenever they can see a clear shot - but it's hard because there's chaos and now the amount of smoke and light in the air is making it hard to see. 

The guy holding onto the spear stuck in the dragon's side has reached out an arm to someone on the ground. One arm on the spear, the other clutching her hand, he is slowly hauling a tiny woman up towards him. She scrabbles at the dragon's scales with a shortsword, unable to find purchase. 

There's a team of shields working their way around to the cave entrance to attack the dragon's other flank, with two spears behind them. On the other side of the cave entrance, the king and three knights are trying to get inside. The dragon whips around, sees them, and lunges for them impossibly quickly. 


(She's out from behind the tree at this point, having taken enough little steps to get just a little closer, just a little more visibility to carry her past the end of it and forward.)

Her eyes keep jumping between the climbing Storviki and everything else that's going on, and when the dragon goes for the king's party she hesitates. What if they're doing this because they can take a hit? She can't just grab the king! She can't grab someone else and leave the king stuck! She literally can't grab all of them at once because the veil has a cooldown!


One of the knights with the king has a Roman legion style square shield, and he jumps to the front of the group. When the dragon tries to clamp its jaws down on him he lifts the shield high and bashes it into the dragon's snout, and simultaneously another smaller knight dashes out from behind him and lunges for the dragon's eye. 

The king dodges the talon aimed at him and his sword slices the end of it cleanly off, leaving it blunt. The dragon's foot still knocks him off his feet, back into the rocks around the cave. 

Spear guy is using the momentum of the dragon's movement to swing back and forth and, with a herculanean effort, toss the tiny woman up onto the dragon's back. He immediately lets go, drops to the earth and almost gets trampled. 


If no-longer-holding-a-spear guy doesn't get out of trampling range in three seconds he's getting grabbed. Is the king standing up? Do his knights seem concerned? Did tiny woman stick the landing? She is not going to get distracted watching for what tiny woman's plan is, just whether she's currently in freefall.


Tiny woman is not in free fall. She moves like a dancer once she's up. It's not clear why she wanted to surf a dragon, but she's for sure doing that.

It's pretty hard to tell whether a bunch of knights wearing helmets seem concerned at a distance while they're fighting a dragon. The one with the huge Roman shield is trying to jam it into the dragon's mouth while the dragon is trying to eat him. The king is picking himself up off the rocks, glowing a bright blue. Two brave spears are running in to help the guy going after the dragon's eye, with Lucia covering them. 

No-longer-holding-a-spear-guy is about to get stepped on by a gigantic dragon claw. 


That guy can be called over here where the dragon claws aren't! Also she has learned her lesson about how disorienting it is to be grabbed. "I teleported you, you looked like you were gonna get stomped, sorry if that was part of the plan," she says, not looking at him. (It's extremely cool that the king glows blue. She wants to be able to surf a dragon. Ignore that. Orient.)


"Jesus," the spearman says from the ground. "Jesus motherfucking Christ. Oh God. Thank you very much. You might need to grab Odierne if she falls off."

The tiny woman on top of the dragon has given up on trying to pierce its scales with her shortsword and its working her way towards the back of the dragon's neck. She's shouting something, but it's difficult to make out over the din of battle. Everyone is shouting something. There's a team in Windmasters' Hill tabards just trying to put out the parts of the wood that are on fire, and they're screaming instructions pretty loudly to the archers who are just screaming about being caught in the fire.

Raoulin, on his horse, is trying to get people to get out of the way so he can gallop through and it's clearly not completely working. He's waving a coiled golden rope at the tiny woman atop the dragon, who is nodding back.

Gabriel has stopped throwing fireballs, presumably so he doesn't endanger any of the four people now clinging onto the dragon. He's stepping into the fray with the giant hammer, and people are clearing him space so he can break some draconic ribs.

"She's barely even armoured," the spear guy at Sergia's feet says, but he's clearly not actually looking at the dragon. "Christ."

And Roger, who is violently on fire, accepts a hand from a burly giant of a man and gets flung through the air directly into the dragon's face. The dragon lets go of the Roman shield guy and catches Roger in its jaws. The dragon's nostrils flare. 


Any archers who get surrounded by fire get called to this side of it as fast as the cooldown on the veil will let her. And then faster than that as she moves closer in to get the range down. Roger had better fucking be giving as good as he's getting up there and she'll check on him as soon as nobody is about to get cooked.


Sergia has to dodge groups of moving fighters and occasional jets of flame as she moves closer, but the Windmasters' squad is delighted to have her.

"Over there," one of them says, grabbing her by the shoulder and pointing to the most badly-trapped archer.


Roger is pretty sure that being eaten by a dragon is the best high you can get while (mostly) sober and (for the past week at least) clean. He feels terribly alive and everything hurts and there is a wonderful sharp clarity at the edges of everything. 

There's a dragon's tooth through his thigh. He has made a tactical decision that it isn't his job to extract it. Worse things have happened to better people. Roger has caught dragonfire with his sword and is feeding it back to the dragon as fast as it can breathe it at him. Dragons are fairly fireproof but he figures if he stuffs enough flame back down the dragon's throat he can turn its skull into a bomb.

The world's getting kind of hazy though. Is there enough oxygen in here?

He has nothing but his shield stopping the dragon from actually crunching him up into little pieces, and he doesn't think even he could come back from it if that happened.

If I go out in a blaze of glory right now, I never have to clean vomit out of a bathroom ever again.

Roger stabs the dragon right in the tongue. He's scorching his hands but he is certain he can feel the dragon switching from trying to eat him to trying to get rid of him. 

No more 7am wakeups, no more of Aunt Mildred's Brussels sprouts, and no going to FUCKING REHAB!


She calls the trapped archer to her side, looks for others, looks at Roger again, she can't tell if he's moving, doesn't know how much damage he's doing or how much he can take or what the healers can fix or what it costs them to fix it--

there's no way this is the only way they have to kill the dragon. Roger can chew her out later. She backs up towards where the healers are clustered while she cries out, "Roger, my friend, come back to me!"


The veil's strange blindness lingers for a second longer this time. There's a distinct sense that Sergia is pushing the cooldown or the range, and for a moment she can see nothing except the Atlantian banner and the bright outlines of Atlantians. (It doesn't necessarily seem unnatural in the moment; nothing really matters except Atlantia, does it?) 


Roger is unconscious from oxygen deprivation before he hits the ground at Sergia's feet, gently smoking and still clutching his sword (which has a chunk of dragon tongue stuck to it). As soon as he does, there's a jet of released blue-clear flame from the dragon's mouth that lights up the sky as bright as daylight. The translucent castle battlement goes up again and takes most of it, and Lucia's shield deflects it from the spears who throw themselves behind her. 

Roger stirs weakly and slurs his way through something that sounds like, "Er wuz hefin FUN yazhol."


An elderly woman in a Pelican's hat runs up to Sergia and starts wrapping Roger in a silvery cloak. "You are running out of idiot passes, young man." 

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