[follow-up to If Hearsay is Gospel]
Victòria wants Juan Ventura dead.
She can feel the certainty of it burning in her chest. He deserves to die, the way he killed that woman's husband, he deserves to writhe in agony in the flames of Hell, he deserves to suffer for a long, long time. Every day he goes by safe and free and unpunished is an injustice that can never fully be undone. And the longer he stays free, the more likely it is that he'll hurt someone else, and that matters too.
And killing him herself won't work. It would be satisfying, she would enjoy it, it would even give him a little taste of what he deserved, but the archmages would just bring him back. He wouldn't really get what he deserved that way, and he'd be just as free to go on hurting people afterwards, only this time without Victòria being around to put a stop to him.
Feliu says you can handle this sort of thing by writing a petition to the Queen. Victòria is still not entirely sure that will work, but murdering him herself definitely won't work, at least not while the convention is going. And he'll be just as dead either way, if it works. Feliu also said she should ask Lluïsa how to write it in a way that makes sure her servants won't just throw it out, but she should be able to find Lluïsa without too much trouble.
And — if she's writing to the Queen she really ought to do it as soon as possible. For the sake of justice, and for the sake of whoever he goes after next.
She tracks down Lluïsa as soon as she can after the Rights meeting. "Lluïsa? Can we talk in private, I was wondering if you can help me with, uh, a legal thing, sort of — Feliu the paladin thought you'd be a good person to ask—"