Margaret wakes up, ready for a new day of work at the CDC.
Wait, this isn't her apartment. "What?!"
"...that's not how normal wings work at all. Hey, Wyatt, how would I make myself some of her wings?"
"I'm Joe," Joe says mildly. "To make Foresight Wings, combine one of Margaret's scales with twenty Souls of Flight and five Shadowspec Bars at Draedon's Forge."
"Shit. Well, uh, I have one of those things. Can I have a scale for when I have the other two?"
"My scales aren't organic matter, so if I pulled one out it would disappear . . . Will this work?" She turns one of her titanium scales into keratin and shows it to Ari and Joe.
Joe shakes his head. "You can't craft with this."
"Dammit," Ari groans. "This world loves dumb jokes like that. Whatever, I've got your armor." He hands her a set of crystal armor. "It'll let you control your personal gravity, along with all the other benefits, but I don't use that a lot, it makes me feel kind of seasick."
"That is annoying. Thanks for the armor!" She swaps it out and makes it look like her outfit, but doesn't try messing with the gravity yet. "You're giving me so much cool stuff and I probably don't have anything you don't have one of already . . . Want some fruits that don't grow around here?"
"Fuck yes! I've been living off mushrooms and fish and blueberries for months. And pumpkin pie."
"Alright then!" She reconfigures from "wings" to "strawberry plant" and starts handing him strawberries.
"Gosh that's creepy." He pops a strawberry into his mouth, leaves and all, and chews on it. "Nice!"
She laughs in surprise. "You eat the leaves? Most people don't like them." She eats her own strawberry in a more conventional manner. "And yeah, it is creepy, but it's what I've got and I'm getting pretty used to it."
"I've never had one of these before, but the leaves taste fine to me. Can you make frostberries?"
The strawberry vine disappears, but nothing appears to replace it. "Apparently not, sorry. Is it a Terrarian plant?" She switches to a bonsai banana tree with two regular-sized bananas, and starts peeling one before offering it to Ari.
"Nah, they're from the Nevernever. You can make pie out of them, it's really good." He peels the rest of the banana, tosses the peel into a nearby furnace, and tries the fruit. "Not bad. Oh, hey-"
He pulls out a book from his bag and tosses it to her. Its cover is faintly smoldering. "I saw you got Shadecrystal Barrage, but this one's a little better for the big bastards. Also, while I'm thinking about it..." He wanders over to one of his chests and pulls out a stack of crystal and glowing pink orbs, then goes over to a bookcase and pulls out a book with a crystal on the cover. He then retrieves a bar of blue metal with crystals growing out of it from another chest, puts the book back, and pulls it back out, now an exact duplicate of the book she read before. He tosses it into the chest she found the first one in. "I need one of those for a project I'm working on."
"Sorry for messing up your other one. If I had known it was somebody's I would have left it alone." She reads (if that's really the right word) the one he gave her, and also starts eating the candies.
“No worries, I didn’t think anybody else existed either.”
The spell takes root in her mind: Lashes of Chaos. It’ll create a mass of unholy purple flame that she can use to blast her enemies into oblivion!
The crystals continue to taste delicious. After eight more hearts, though, the sense of safety feels complete, and the next candy just sits on her tongue, tasting faintly of cinnamon. (The blue star crystals just vanish until she’s at capacity, at which point the next crystal fails to vanish.)
The one she can't eat gets thoroughly wiped off with a temporarily-extant handkerchief. "Wow, that's a scary spell. I'm not looking forward to needing it, but I'm definitely looking forward to having it when I do."
“Yeah, it’s cool. Speaking of which, I’m probably going to move on to the next bastard soon. Wanna join forces? I feel like it’s probably easier with a friend.”
"Yeah, sure!" She's not going to let him get in a fight alone if she can be there; he's a small if extremely powerful child and might get hurt. "By the way, how old are you?"
Yeah no that is way too small. "And it's probably hard to keep track of the date here. I've been counting days, but I'd have to sit down and do some math to figure out what day of the week it would be if Terraria had weeks."
"It's not as bad as the Nevernever. Some places the sun never goes down or comes up, and there's parts where time actually goes faster or slower. It's crazy."
"The sun . . ..never goes down? But only in some places? How are the sun and the, the whatever the ground is on arranged?"
"Three months, ish. I've been spending most of my time gathering up resources and fighting monsters and practicing evocation. If there's some bastard I can't kill with Terraria's resources at some point, evocation's my best bet."
"No, you have to be born with it. That's part of the reason Mom adopted me, was because I had magical potential."