When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
Sasha doesn't notice for about eighty seconds because he's writing furiously in a notebook, and then he reaches for his laptop and notices the bouncing and says "You can say what you want."
"--You can tell me to keep singing the competence song until you tell me to stop."
He does.
You're smart and creative and things are going to go well for you. Even if you're confused right now, they're going to make sense soon. There's going to be a flash of insight that makes everything click, all you have to do is keep trying and it will happen. You can handle everything you have to do. Your homework is easy and it's fun and you enjoy doing it.)
The limiting factor on how fast his essay gets written is how fast he can type.
This has literally never happened before.
It takes him about two hours to be done with everything, which is when he tells Leo "Okay, stop."
That sounds like a prompt to pick Leo up and cuddle him and kiss the top of his perfect extremely soft head.
Leo is pretty sure he has picked the best master in the whole world. He has only met like six people in his life so far but Sasha is definitely the best.
Sasha is pretty sure he got the best possible way to be introduced to the entire concept of magic existing in the world.
"So what other magic things are there?"
"Lots-- vampires, weres, djinn, witches, angels, demons, unicorns, snake people--"
"Wow." The extra energy is wearing off. "Any idea which of those I'm most likely to meet?"
"Assuming you don't make a habit of summoning extraplanar entities, probably vampires and weres and witches? They're the most common."
...he does have that incredibly annoying Wiccan classmate, but.
"Okay. Can you identify magic things if I show them to you, or?"
"I'm debating just taking you to school and asking you how many of the people there are magic, for context. — do you want to be taken to school, it'd be a lot more interesting than being left here for eight hours a day but it'd also be logistically sort of complicated on account of how dogs aren't allowed in classrooms."
"I want to go to school but I'd probably also be okay with, like, some way of reading books or listening to podcasts with paws."
"And finagling the logistics of taking you to school is almost certainly easier than figuring out a way for you to turn your own pages."
"I saw a thing-- I think maybe it's called a Kindle?-- that I think I could use. But point taken."
"Those do exist but I don't have one and don't have money."
He snuggles Leo some more.
He checks the list and then sets Leo down on one end of the bed and sits at the other. "Come."
Gosh. "Heel," he tries, even though it's just about the least applicable thing ever.