When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
"Lilith." Tail-thumping. "I don't know what's going to happen when you talk to her."
"I don't know either." He snuggles Leo extra much. "But whatever happens, I have a unicorn and a vampire and a fairy in my corner."
Like everything you're dreading, first period the next day comes much, much too quickly.
Okay. Cool. He's not awesome at having his homework done but he sure can have opinions about Shakespeare and that's all you really need.
"So what happened with Sonja?" he says, when they get to what seems like a natural pause point.
...does he say anything does he say anything โ
"So you're definitely not a fairy princess?"
"I try not to make promises I might not be able to follow through on and emergencies happen, but I can do my best to make it."
Leo nods and returns to puzzling out why Shakespeare isn't happy that a bunch of people died nobly in defense of their houses.