When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
"It went great. — he's willing to help and I still have all my blood and also his phone number and I got very thoroughly hypno'd and I came seven times."
"I'm genuinely not sure but it is really not the same genre of thing as my relationship with him and if I thought it was more likely to make him sad than to not do that I wouldn't have done it."
He snuggles Leo. "Like floating in air and sinking into water and afterglow all at once."
"I have no idea what it's like for people who don't have a massive hypno kink, but for me it's extremely nice."
"I think generally it's nice except for the part where an evil person is controlling your body."
"He very specifically didn't do anything I didn't explicitly ask him for, but yes, that is certainly a downside."
"Also the part where if you do it too much it can kind of make you go insane, that sucks too."
"Uh, depression, mania, the drive to eat live animals or drink their blood..."
"— that would have been good to know but I can stop, I guess — does your brand also do that —"
"If it does, they didn't tell me. --Sorry, I didn't know you were going to do it again."
"I think it's probably safe if you don't do it too often and stop if the flies start looking tasty?"
"Yeah. I will make sure and stop if things that should not look delicious suddenly look delicious."
Snuggle. Tail-wagging.
"I guess it's nice to have a superstrong evil person around to bash her in the head with a frying pan without experiencing trauma."