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"Lilith has pretty much always been cruel to people she could get away with being cruel to, and Marlo was really shy and didn't really have friends when we were all kids." 


"Ugh. Fuck her."


"Yeah. — she tried to do the same to me but it didn't work because I was immune to teasing because I didn't speak English." 


Leo hugs him. 

"--I think we'll be pretty safe if we avoid her. But she's going to keep extracting promises from people and they're going to break their promises and she's going to hurt them. And it's only going to get worse now that she knows she's a fairy."


"Yeah. We might be able to help just by — being able to see who's being hurt, and — I don't want to volunteer Sasha but —"


"But you're terminally shy and I am in fact the best equipped to talk to them?" 


"Yes. That." 


"If she knows we're trying to help her victims she's going to try to hurt us."


"— I want to say 'and do what' but in fact there is quite a lot she could do. And the girl who turned her down for a date, what's her face, Melanie? Didn't make her any promises as far as I know." 


"If that's before Lilith found out she's a princess, Melanie might have tossed out a promise she wasn't even thinking about, something she might not even have thought of as a promise. If it's after-- who knows."


"It was a couple weeks ago, I think it was before. Hopefully avoiding her will keep working." 


"I don't think she'll attack us unless we give her a reason. But-- we might want to give her a reason."


"At least Sonja wasn't hard to help." 


"Is there a way we can tell her to wear iron without it getting Sunnydaled?"


"...I bet I could make something that happened to have iron in it, but I don't know if there's a way to get her to wear it reliably." 


"Maybe a friendship bracelet with a charm on it, you can't take those off. An iron charm might be hard to find, but." 


"Salt and bread can also ward fairies off, and the sound of bells ringing."


"I think our chances of getting people to carry bread and salt are worse than our chances of finding iron charms, but a bell could work." 


"Maybe we could just bonk her in the head with a frying pan."


"If we could be confident it'd take her out and not get us arrested, which we can't." 


"Good point. Maybe Marlo could figure out how to return to his normal form and then skewer her."


"I have no idea what Sunnydale syndrome would make of that but maybe." He does not say it like an actual maybe. 


"Probably something like 'and then she got trampled by a wild horse, which is apparently a thing we have in Berkeley.'"



"How about we stop with suggesting that Marlo gores someone to death." 

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