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Sasha tries touching his hair, tries scraping his teeth across Leo's lip. 


Leo very loudly approves of both of those things. 

(A process initiates in the back of his mind, predicting what Sasha's kinks must be, adjusting his own kinks to be the complement.)


How about if Sasha pulls his hair. 


Even louder and more enthusiastic approval! 

(The process ups 'masochism.')


Sasha takes one of Leo's hands, puts it on his hair. 

"You can pull — and bite —" 


Leo eagerly tries out both of those things at the same time. 

"You're so pretty. How are you so pretty."


He moans when he's bitten, lets his eyes close. 


That is literally the best sound Leo has ever heard in his entire life. Admittedly he is not even a month old, but still.


Sasha leans into Leo's hands, puts his head on Leo's shoulder. 

"I assume you don't know what you're into," he says. 


"...Well, I can guess it's going to turn out to be 'anything you're into.'"


Probably his reaction to that shouldn't be "that's hot" but that is in fact his reaction to that. 

"I like when you bite — I like being held down — I like being hypno'd, I like —" and he pulls Leo forward and kisses him again, pulls on his hair, presses their bodies together. 


"I could try to hypno you."


"Leo," he whispers, "Sing. One of the nice songs." 


He sings. 

The song is different when he's human. It says:

Lev is so incredibly hot. You want to stare at him, you want to touch him, you want to kiss him, you want to fuck him. It feels so so good to touch him, it makes you want to gasp and moan and shiver, it sends electricity through your veins. You don't have to think about anything, you don't have to worry about anything, all you have to do is lose yourself in the sensation of touching him and kissing him and feeling him. It feels so good. Why would you want to do anything but look at him? Those things sound so hard, so difficult, and it's so easy just to relax and stop thinking and let yourself float away in how good it feels and how hot he is.


— oh. 

Yeah. That — all of that makes sense — Sasha closes his eyes and touches Leo and lets go of everything else — 


Leo doesn't know what he's doing but he clings to Sasha and touches him and pulls his hair and sings.


He's floating under Leo's touch — when his hair is pulled it feels like sparklers under his skin — Leo is so good and so warm and so so beautiful and Sasha loves him so much — 


The song ends and Leo kisses him.


His eyes flutter open and he whispers "That was perfect" into Leo's mouth. 


"Are you done now?"


"...done with what?" 


"Well, you said 'that was perfect', so I don't know if you just want to cuddle now or..."


"'re adorable," he says, and starts taking Leo's clothes off. 


That is ALSO a good plan. 

Leo's underwear is wet.


...that's interesting.  Sasha's interested. Maybe Sasha's clothes should also be off. 

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