When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
"You didn't tell him? --I ran across Sasha on the way to a coffeeshop, hypnotized him to come back to my place, ate about a third of his blood, fucked him senseless, and sent him home with food and a blanket."
"Uh, well, he's hot, and I wanted to, and I thought he'd Sunnydale into 'I had this great hookup with this guy, I should do it again.' I absolutely would not have done it if I knew he were dating a unicorn, I promise, and I am very very sorry."
He wants to leave it out.
On the other hand, unicorns can sense lies, and maybe they can also sense omissions, and probably it is better to throw himself on the unicorn's mercy and admit to everything.
"--I thought about killing him but I didn't! Because he was hot and he went under so deep when I hypnotized him and I was like 'I might want to do this again'! It took a lot of self-control! He was really sad about me not killing him, he made these little whimpery noises when I stopped, if I had murdered him he would have been enthusiastically consenting! I am really really sorry!"
He does not reach out and wrap his hands around Asher's neck.
He does not gore him with a two-foot horn and trample him with hooves that only look like they'd step lightly, like any other predator.
He stays exactly where he is and says "Hummingbird."
He takes Marlo's hand, the one he'd grabbed Asher's wrist with, and laces their fingers together.
That is... a little bit a positive sign? He is not currently being tortured to death, which is always a good feature of a day.
"I am not going to eat him, I promise!" Asher says. "And I can keep track of him and know where he is and whether he's okay, that is useful, actually, I can be useful."
"You are not going to touch him," and Sasha squeezes his hand. "You are going to leave him alone unless he contacts you. Understood?"
One second there is a person there, and then there is a flash, and then there's no person there at all.
Sasha hugs him back and whispers "I'm okay, I'm safe, you've got me, I love you, I'm here."
Leo's very cute but the thing that's actually helping is having Sasha warm and alive and being able to feel his heartbeat.
"I really don't think I'm going to be able to sleep without you tonight," he says, very soft.