When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
Asher wraps his arms around him and presses a kiss into his forehead.
Now that Sasha is less hypnotized, he might notice that Asher's body is cold.
....yeah, that's pretty weird.
Sasha tries to weigh the likelihood that he's not going to be able to walk home against how bad of an idea it would be to give Asher his address, but even without the hypnotism he's still really tired and kind of loopy and he finds himself saying "Any chance I can get a ride home?"
Then Asher will call him a Lyft and send him off with the blanket and some cheese and a small bottle of apple juice.
And Sasha eats his cheese and drinks his juice and when he gets home he goes upstairs and collapses on the bed, still wrapped in the blanket.
He thinks about it.
"Whole thing's kinda hazy but whatever happened I definitely liked it. I think I'm okay?"
"...at least you're not Sunnydaling."
Leo puts his head under Sasha's hand for pets.
And Sasha now has a considerably higher volume of blood in his body than he did ten seconds ago.
...that feels weird.
"I think I got bit by a vampire?" he says after the moment of pins-and-needles fades.
"...That's a vampire all right. I knew I should have come with you to the coffeeshop."
"I'm not sure what you would have done if you were there, though." He kisses the top of Leo's head.
"Bite him when he's halfway through hypnotizing you so he breaks eye contact."
"The bad news is that vampire bites form a psychic connection so he'll always know where you are and whether you're okay."
"That's a problem but it isn't the worst problem I could have. — is it weird that I'm less scared of Asher than I am of Lilith."