When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
"...being a person is really hard and I don't know how to do it without hurting people."
"You're a day old and you're doing better than people I know who have had sixteen years to figure it out."
He rests a hand on Leo's back and rubs his head with his fingertips. "Doesn't change my point."
Being petted is nice. His tail thumps Sasha's leg.
"I should have been given better rules and then I wouldn't make you or Marlo sad."
"...You didn't make Marlo sad. Whatever causes Sunnydale syndrome made him sad, he's sad a lot.
You didn't really make me sad either, the thing I was actually sad about has nothing to do with you."
"Being a dog is easier because mostly you have to be small and fluffy and then people pet you."
"That's true. But if you're a dog you can't turn pages and you can't go to school and you can't kiss people.
...and Marlo would have reacted the same way to hearing about Sunnydale syndrome if you'd said it as a dog."
"But then I could crawl in his lap and be cute and he would feel better maybe."
"Nah. What makes him feel better is having space and feeling safe, and he doesn't know you well enough for having you in his lap to give him that."
"I was-- actually trying to figure a thing out, when I asked the question-- unicorns are kind of scary. So it might be that beings that intend harm are avoiding him, and by extension you, because they don't want to mess with the unicorn. So he'd have seen less magic stuff, and you'd be safer."
"I guess we'll see. --Do you know when you stopped suffering from Sunnydale syndrome?"
"The first really weird thing I can remember is meeting you, but if things are avoiding me or if I just happened to be in the right places at the right times it could have been earlier than that."
"Hm." He sits back on his hind legs. "Sometimes being in a close relationship with someone magic is enough to prevent Sunnydale syndrome. But sometimes it isn't. And I don't know how Marlo not knowing he's a unicorn affected things. --It would be bad if you being able to see everything Marlo sees is dependent on you continuing to own me."
"We could probably test it at some point. Give me to Marlo and wait a day or two and see if you're like 'yeah, I took in a stray for a while and I kept him in my pocket and then I gave him to Marlo, and also separately I met this cute guy and made out with him but I've lost his number.'"
"It'd be a good thing to know but I think handing him a person to be responsible for especially one he doesn't know is not a good plan right now."
"That's true. Also I don't really want to be away from you for an entire day."