When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
"Yes. Cuddlepile."
He is very very cuddly. That might have something to do with having been stuck outside all night or maybe it's just how Marlo is as a person.
Leo kisses him, shallow and sweet, and then turns to Sasha for approval.
Sasha's smiling. "He likes when you touch him here," and he runs a finger across Marlo's shoulder and up his neck, watches Marlo shiver.
Sasha smiles at Leo and keeps showing him where to kiss Marlo, which parts of his hair you can pull harder on, the best places to bite, and lets Marlo slowly melt into a shivering whimpering mess in his arms.
Leo kisses Marlo and touches him and follows instructions and feels the warm glow of being loved.
Sasha kisses him and kisses Marlo and watches them kiss each other and loves them, loves them, loves them.
"Leo," he says after a few minutes, "there's a thing I'd like to try, if you're okay with it."
"Sasha," he says, "Sashaaaaa--" and it turns into a moan and he's climbing into Sasha's lap and kissing him like nothing else has ever mattered.
"Leo, Leo, my Leo, I've got you, I love you, my good boy my Leo," in between kisses.
"Sasha, Sasha, fuck me, please, I need you inside me, please, I need both of you inside me, in my mouth in my ass in my cunt--"
Leo is so good.
Sasha pulls him into his lap and kisses him and starts getting both of their clothes off, lets Marlo's head fall on his shoulder.
He's going as fast as he can! It is genuinely hard when you have someone squirming distractingly in your lap and someone else kissing your shoulder!
Unfortunately he is literally incapable of not squirming distractingly.
And not making very distracting moans every time Sasha brushes against him.
Then he'll just have to deal with their clothes coming off more slowly than might be ideal, won't he.
Once they're both bare he pulls Leo close, moves Marlo so that Leo is between them, and kisses Leo again.
He wiggles. "Sasha, Sasha, I need you, please, I need you inside me, don't tease me, please--"
"Ask Asher how that went for him sometime," but he lines them up and — oh — Leo's so hot and wet and tight and —