When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
Mmm that's better. He leans into the touch, puts his hand on Asher's hair. "Good."
"And I could tell you were getting close so I told you not to come until I told you to-- that was hypnosis, the other stuff wasn't-- then I knelt down and bit your dick and started giving you a blowjob. You can't really suck someone's blood from their dick while giving them a blowjob, but I could have a little taste, and you could have a little bit of the experience. Making you feel good." He sighs. "Someday when I have another vampire friend I'm going to blow a guy while the other vampire feeds on them and it's gonna be hot."
"You were... floating and drifting and moaning and very incoherent under my mouth. And then when I was done with that I fucked you and bit your other shoulder and then you were just. Absolutely incoherent. Very happy, face of absolute bliss, but there was not a lot going on in your head, between the hypnosis and the eating and the fact that you would have probably come five minutes ago if I hadn't mind controlled you. You kept forgetting to breathe."
Fuuuuck that's hot. Sasha keeps a hand on Asher's head, keeps Asher's mouth on his shoulder, makes a soft sound at the back of his throat.
Asher kisses and licks his shoulder, nibbles a little tiny bit, and says, "And then I had to close up your cuts-- you were very distressed about this, like I said-- and I distracted you from your distress by telling you to come as much as you wanted, which turned out to be maybe three, four minutes? It was very hot."
He kisses up Sasha's shoulder, his neck, under his jaw. "You're very beautiful."
Asher wraps his arms around Sasha, presses his lips into Sasha's jugular, and feels the pulse of warm blood. He is... content. He wants to push Sasha down to suck his dick, he wants to sink his fangs into Sasha's neck and drink, but he likes being poised so close to what he wants and being denied it. He likes Sasha having control over him.
(And if he fucks up-- he thinks, and shudders, not sure how much is arousal and how much is fear-- Marlo's cold face and a hand on his wrist, burning--)
(There's a quiet sound from the bed; Marlo curls around Sasha's pillow in his sleep.)
Asher's mouth is so good and what he remembers of being bitten is a haze of pleasure and it would be so good —
He doesn't say any of this. He doesn't press Asher closer.
Being kissed by Asher is very very good. Sasha is a big fan of this turn of events.
"Depends. Is Marlo going to torture me if I kill people, and is he going to get off on it if he does?"
"Then my snack will remember a wildly enjoyable, moderately out of character no-strings-attached hookup."