When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
"I don't know, but we can find out!"
When sixth period ends and school is out, he takes Leo and goes to Sonja's classroom to meet her.
"Hey. I usually meet Marlo by the bike rack, we can walk with you to your car or the bus stop or wherever it is you walk to."
"Because breakups are hard and you're worried that everyone hates you now? You have plenty of reasons to be sad."
"Maybe in terms of the next week, but you broke up with her for a reason. And I'm not actually sure I've ever heard her go for five minutes at a time without being cruel to someone."
"Sorry, I'm just — trying really hard to convince you that it would not in fact be easier to try to go back. I can stop."
"No, you made an agreement and then realized it was a bad idea, as people do. A breakup is not a betrayal."
He's very glad the oath is already sworn and Lilith can't take Leo back no matter what.