When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
Sasha kisses him and keeps touching his dick, reaches back with his other hand to touch his clit.
Sasha is so good. Does he know that he is very good? Leo is incapable of expressing this sentiment in English but maybe the moans will help.
They do help.
Sasha keeps kissing him and keeps touching him and keeps up a murmured stream of "Leo, Leo you're so good, I love you, good boy, my Leo," over and over and over.
Leo can't think about anything, he can't do anything, he just lies back in bed and moans and hisses and loves Sasha and wants and wants.
And the peak that was just out of reach hits and he is warm and safe and happy and good and loved.
"Yeah. You're so pretty. And it feels so much better than doing it on my own."
Probably Sasha should not have the reaction 'oh god that's hot,' but he does in fact have the reaction "Oh god that's hot."
....being distressed about that won't change anything but it will make Leo feel bad so he's not going to do it.
Oh, that wasn't hot. Whoops.
"But I can want things?" he tries. "Because you want me to want things? For example, right now I want to have sex again."
Not helping!
"I can't go again for a while," he says instead of that, and kisses Leo.
"Humans have this thing, I think the word for it is refractory period?" and then he explains to Leo what a refractory period is.