When Sasha is walking home from school, he stumbles across the smallest and most adorable dog in the world.
Leo is pretty pleased by the human invention of kissing! And frustrated by the concept of a refractory period.
Refractory periods are pretty frustrating, it's true.
Fortunately lately for them both, they don't last forever, and Sasha is a sixteen year old boy so they dont even last very long.
Sasha kisses him and says "Come. Now." It's the same voice he uses on Marlo when his shoulders get too-tight and what he needs is to go all soft and trembly.
He was a little turned on before, turned on the way you're hungry when you're just starting to think that a meal would sound nice, and then Sasha says the words and a wave of absolute pleasure crashes through him and he comes and he's left trembling.
Sasha should kiss him.
Sasha does not have even a little bit of his homework done the next day.
Neither does Leo. Also, he gets distracted staring at Sasha and falls out of his chair.
He glances around; nobody seems to be paying them any attention but his face is still pink. "I — don't mind Sasha sleeping with people he's close to? But if it's casual it just makes me feel like I must not mean much."
Sasha curls up halfway in his lap and puts his head on Marlo's shoulder. "You know that isn't true."
"...I guess it's different for me because I've known Sasha literally my entire life?"