Well, that's good, at least. From the way Delegate Requena i Cortes was talking about it she wasn't sure. She's still kind of confused about the conscience exception for conscription, though — the part about different people's consciences caring more about different things isn't confusing, but any given war is still going to be Good or Evil, so you're either conscripting people for Evil wars or letting people claim conscience exceptions for Good ones. Maybe the idea is that Lastwall might be wrong about whether a war is Good or Evil, except people keep trying to get her to listen to everything Lastwall says, so that doesn't seem very likely? In any case, she can see about finding someone to explain it to her later. Maybe it'll make more sense if that's the only thing they're talking about, or for that matter if she's had a chance to eat something.
In any case, right now she should probably focus on the illegal orders thing.
"I think the illegal orders rules would help a little but they're probably not enough on their own to help very much, unless the Judiciary Committee does a really good job of setting up the courts so they don't just say 'actually telling some of your servants that they can't wear shoes in the winter is totally a lawful purpose' or whatever. ...Could people just swear oaths not to do whatever it is that someone is trying to order them to do? Like, if I swear an oath not to do anything Evil, would that make it illegal, using these rules, to tell me to do something Evil?"