“I don’t know if there’s an okay to do version. Which things we can fix now and which ones wait for the next convention or the age of glory. But I can think of some.”
This is one of those moments where he’s really feeling the responsibility of being a delegate. Lots of serfs out there.
”First thing is probably making the allowed punishments list apply to landlords. Or, since the order committee already won on that, a shorter version of their list. If any of you know any of them, maybe we all can talk about this, see if they agree that landlords shouldn’t be breaking people on the wheel or feeding people to lions.”
“Second would be letting everyone travel to the village center, at least. For village meetings, for laundry and market, and for holy days and healing. Especially if we get enough clerics to have them in villages. I’ve met people who never left the house where they worked, some serfs and some city types. Breaks something in them, being in one house and grounds away from everyone for so long.”
”That’s just the first two for now, need a moment to think of the others.”