The baby needs to be walked a lot. If she is not walked she yells. So Rebecca walks and walks and knows the hallway well enough to do it with her eyes closed, so she does it with her eyes closed because she's so tired, so she doesn't see the difference until she hears her footsteps on concrete instead of carpet.
Cascadia Rebecca in Bliss Stage
"I can make it work. And I can like - hand her off to get a little extra when she wakes me up a lot?"
"Guess that makes sense. Maybe I'll be married and have another by then though."
"We are. It seems like it might be awkward but I don't wanna just never get married and Catholic's not one of the worse other religions there are."
"Aren't Catholic priests not allowed to get married? My foster dad complains about it all the time, he thinks it makes them out of touch."
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