They make their way out the emergency exit unmolested.
Yeah. And we're gonna save more and I know it's not gonna be enough but it's the best we can do.
The next few days are uneventful. Sadde meets Theo's mother, and is awkward, but they like her alright. They perform some more tests, visit that hospital and others, Theo eats animals daily, and Sadde continues to pine silently.
By the third evening following Victoria's arrival, news of the Moorstone Miracles, as they're calling the mysterious recoveries of people in the environs of the town with the larger hospital nearby, have spread enough that some of the braver—or more desperate—souls are making their way there, hoping to find salvation. The fact that cancer has been the only malady not cured thus far does not seem to deter some of its more able victims or their loved ones.
Then, one day while Theo and Sadde are both present in the house, there's a knock at the door!
Theo pauses. "I don't think that's Willow or Matt?"
"You're the one with super senses," she shrugs. "Willow had a thing with her family, I think."
She blinks at him a bit, slightly confused. "How've you been? I didn't get a chance to speak to you after– everything."
"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose," responds Evelyn, looking between him and Sadde, "but I wanted to catch up? On things?"