They make their way out the emergency exit unmolested.
So she can poke different… parts… of the object with the threads, okay, that seems weird.
What about on her end, can she move around slightly where on her she affects? Or is this going back to the other – connections – that make her want to lick things, instead?
So she– almost does! Then stops and tries poking-or-connectioning-or-whatever the nib instead.
… Fortunately she was being careful, and about a minute later she does in fact (by way of phone alarm) recall that she was testing things.
She keeps testing things, for a while, before she gets bored again and wanders off for food.
Which is only to be expected, since he's. You know. Getting into Theo's car.
"Willow said she'd pass, today, seeing all those sick people was getting to her. Any word from Matt?"
Of course it's only to be expected.
"Doing a thing with his parents. Movie night or something."
"Not tonight. I think tomorrow, though."
Theo looks at Sadde again! It was probably quite a long look, for a vampire, seeing as upgraded perception or whatever, but overall not that long.
Who is definitely not paying attention to that, no, sir.
"You know, if you'd asked me how I'd feel about saving several lives a day during the summer two weeks ago I'd have expected it'd be... grander. Somehow."
Theo shrugs. "Maybe we should go find some of them, later, I find out how they're getting on or something. Might be a bit creepy."
Theo shrugs. "Not if it'd make you less likely to come along, but I guess I can do it myself anyway."
"You could, I guess. You haven't been—uncontrolled, lately, but I'm not sure how much of that is one of us just being around all swaying."