They make their way out the emergency exit unmolested.
She… is not in fact looking for that. This is a human, this is a vampire, she draws a metaphorical arrow and is trying to resolve the question-mark.
"See if I can get anything for you and shapeshifting? – Doesn't necessarily distinguish. See about something like getting myself the ability to fly?"
"It was just that there might be limitations on how the magics interact, or that turning is impossible, or that you need enough information to know how to start doing it," says Theo, helpfully. "Trying to find out how to fly with your power, if you mean magically, is probably not going to work as I'd expect flight to be another power. It probably works fine if it's just that turning is impossible, and it probably fails if you need enough information to know how to start, unless 'messing with chance' is enough to get you to fly."
"I guess. Anyway, if she tries it and fails we get absolutely no information—it could fail even if turning is impossible, or if she needs more info, or if it's another problem—but if she succeeds it could still be that there's another power that does flight but she found some other way—unless she finds a way to get it—or that she has more information about flight than turning into a vamp."
"So it doesn't really conclusively do anything either way," he says. "You could try looking for more magic, which would also not be conclusive but would hint at things."
"Or we could try other plans involving magic that she does know about, or plans not involving magic she couldn't conceive."
"That certainly involves your magic and I think she'd be able to normally come up with one yeah?"
A plan for him to go heal people! Like, with whatever mystery healing he does – was it his blood? She thinks he might have said that, but she was mostly paying attention to 'what why since when do vampires what' not the specifics, so she might have that wrong.
Well she'd actually like to try to coordinate as many people as possible to be healed on the coming Saturday. She can optionally go with him but if she'd be better served doing something else here that's also doable.