They make their way out the emergency exit unmolested.
"So you said you only tried the luck-changing thing, how about you try applying the planning power to itself?"
"To… use it more effectively? Or to generate ideas of what I could look at for maximum interest or something?"
… She could try looking at it kinda sideways, see if there are things she could do to make herself more able to focus on it?
… She's not really sure what would, so how about some routes she could take, things she could do that might be of interest to her?
So, practice at paying attention to the less important things. Okay, she needs to take up meditation and mindfulness or whatever, sounds like fun.
Are there any current things she could do in her situation she'd probably find beneficial? Or is that too broad a search…?
… She'll try to pay attention to the broad class of less important things that she needs to pay attention to, trying to keep the class of things in mind.
"There are – specific unimportant things I need to pay attention to, to be better at this?"
"I don't have much information on this. There are threads. Why do I not have much information."
She frowns.
"Could be another drawback, part of the – making you forget what you're doing but less so?"