They make their way out the emergency exit unmolested.
Any method she might be able to use to clearly improve her abilities to use her magic?
… She's not sure how much she wants to try drugs, really. But maybe, depending on the side effects.
She has heard things about, like, checking you can read and checking clocks make sense, as a way to help you lucid dream… Maybe that would help.
"… By just looking at it? Nope, but I know how to get better at using what I know I have?"
"The planning-type sense? I was mainly looking at the small luck-changing thing instead."
"I'm still confused about what you actually feel when you're using this sense thingy."
"It's not really a sense? It's– more just knowing how things fit together?" Pause. "Well I guess that could seem like a sense, sort of seeing how things will ripple forwards and what they'll affect?"
"Hmmm... So can you do it the other way around, then? Like, instead of trying to figure out what you need to do in order to achieve some goal, figure out what happens when you do something?"
"… I think so? That's sort of how it was going, sort of back-and-forth, but I started with a goal not an action, so I haven't actually tried it." Pause. "How's screaming, I could see what happens if I scream?"
"I don't plan on screaming, no, but I might be able to see what'd happen anyway? Or if that doesn't work I could try something a little less – dramatic."
She tries looking at what happens if she screams! Presumably not as much jumping from Sadde and Theo now they know it's a possible idea.
"I might be – might have been – able to get you to break that mug, if I screamed in a particular way. So yep, it works."