They make their way out the emergency exit unmolested.
Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
"Sure," she says. "Seems to have worked okay lying down so far but it's not like it matters."
Evelyn shrugs and takes the pen off Sadde, then holds it in a similar position.
Once Sadde has returned to position: left for odd, right for even.
"So, not exactly conclusive but it looks like it works for facts I know and not for facts I don't. Which isn't very helpful since it might not even work, it might be me pushing the pen by accident."
"I could hold the pen, and you don't tell me which side you pick to mean what, nor what question you're asking?"
And they do it a few more times, and it turns out to consistently fall to the side that's correct according to Ev's knowledge.