They make their way out the emergency exit unmolested.
"No, but I don't control whether I'm a boy or a girl, it's just about how I feel that day, and my emotions can affect it in other ways if they're strong enough."
"… I suppose you might want to look male one day while not feeling male? And affect it how?"
"When I was little I had a few... incidents... where I, ah, turned into the Hulk. When people bullied me."
"And when Theo died I had to leave because otherwise I'd go all white and spook everyone."
"Oh." Pause. "Magic wouldn't cover that, or magic would but people would be weirdly spooked anyway?"
"Hm." Pause. "I'm pretty sure I haven't noticed any effects of my magic, if I have it."
"Yeah, especially if you only have two examples of it so far. But for you two, you're exemptions to your own 'don't notice my magic' magic things."
"...more or less. I mean, I see myself naked. I'd have to actively forget seeing myself naked to not realize that had changed. And Theo... took a while to notice he was a vampire. And there are other, uh, very annoying mental things related to being one."
"Like him not noticing people are people when he's hungry. Or rather, instead of getting hungry he instead starts seeing people less as people."
"… And more as food or just as pieces of scenery that he desires to chew on?" Pause. "Not that there is actually much or perhaps any difference there."
"There's this other thing where if the vampire has more information about you than you do about them, modulo a few things, you like them more and pay more attention and stuff."
She keeps looking at Theo, then opens her mouth a bit, mouthing some words pensively. "Information like what?"
"– Oh, so I like you more and pay you more attention, then? Or do I have more information over you, I'm not totally sure here?" She smiles, then freezes a bit. "Never mind, I think I've answered my own question."