They make their way out the emergency exit unmolested.
"She won't be able to discard it as special effects, she is probably not in a position to exploit us, fear reaction will be manageable if produced, still don't know if she's magic, doesn't need to scale to tell her."
He is somewhat visibly uncomfortable.
When she's nearby, Ev turns her head and then says into her phone, "Uh, be back in a minute."
She hangs up and looks slightly confused.
"Hi!" Look around, no one close enough, "So, Theo is a vampire, he's the one who caused the miracles, we think you might be able to do magic, possibly not consciously." She says this in a low enough voice that she won't be heard over the phone.
Evelyn pauses, for more than a second. Then she looks at Sadde assessingly. "Do you want to offer some proof for this?"
"He woke up after dying, remember? But sure, except, you know, the sun is pretty unpleasant and even the shade only offers mild protection. So, uh, better not offer some proof outside. Although, hmm, Theo, do you suppose you could just appear here fore a second then go back to your shade? ...possibly your house?" She does not raise her voice to be heard.
She looks over at her arm, then at the tree where he was before, then around herself and then: "Okay."
"So the thing is he has supersenses and an eidetic memory and he's very very sure the mug you dropped there actually hovered over the floor for a bit before failing to break and, you know."
"… I don't remember noticing that, but I suppose I wouldn't. Uh. I'll just– let my friend know that I'll be busy, that okay?"
So she does. "Back to Theo's place, then? And maybe explain some more about the fact that he's a vampire because you did give that as a suggestion earlier I think but I didn't really think it would. Y'know. Be true."
"Yeah. And Theo's convinced there was some magic going on with your mug but I didn't notice it so we decided to just—ask."
"I'm pretty sure I haven't noticed any magic, but if that was magic and it's all as subtle as that, I wouldn't have, yeah."
"It is very subtle, yes. Hey, remember that gender thing I do? Not actually makeup!"
"… Seriously?" she asks. "I was sort of in awe of your makeup skills but didn't ask for tips because I think I've been doing okay myself."
"I mean I am also good at makeup but. I genuinely change genders. That is a magical thing I have been able to do since basically always. And the magic makes sure no one actually believes me when I tell them it's magical."
"I… think I believe you about it being magical? But that could be because I expect I'm either hallucinating or Theo is a vampire, so either I'm hallucinating and you can be magic or I'm not and you can also be magic."
"Well after being beat upside the head with it people do believe it, it's just they'll invent the most amazing rationalizations on their own. It's actually quite funny."
"Like, shown conclusive proof that it's true. Such as by seeing me naked in both forms, or, apparently, believing it just because it also happens to be true that Theo is a vampire so why wouldn't Sadde be a shapeshifter."
"Ah," she responds. "Well it's at least convenient that it doesn't, like, turn you into a snake every so often. Or modify your looks in ways you wouldn't want it to, I don't think it does?"