The sugar runes scatter.
The lights flicker.
And the witch is holding -
"It's harder than immortality, I think, but with an alethiometer, yeah, I hope to figure it out. I don't think it improves the witch bottleneck that much though because there are way fewer dead witches than dead mortals."
"No, that's not why, I meant that then it's less urgent to turn everyone immortal immediately because then anyone we miss we can get later. So yeah still bottlenecked but that's less a problem."
"How? Past-watching? Where is the spell getting its information from? ...maybe the same place the alethiometer is."
"What a handy tool. How hard was the spell anyway? Do you need a blood moon to have happened however many days ago last blood moon was so you'll need to wait many months or can you do it whenever you're not particularly cross with grains of sugar?"