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"You seem sad."


"I am." 


"What is making you sad?"

Her voice is kind. Empathetic. 


"I'm being shoved into a box that's too small and the wrong shape for me and everyone insists that if I just bent my spine a little more I could totally fit but my spine doesn't bend that way and if I try I'm going to break it. Metaphorically." 


"What about the box makes it hard for you to fit in?"


...she doesn't know how to articulate "your concept of appropriate gender roles is too narrow for most human beings and, additionally, I'm being forced into the wrong one" in a way Christine will listen to. 

"It's too small and the wrong shape," she says instead, more insistently. 


"What makes it the wrong shape?"


"Human beings aren't perfect squares." 


"If I understand you correctly, you feel sad because you feel like this camp has expectations for you that you can't fulfill."


"I'm sad because being here hurts." and I'm scared that whatever leaves here won't be me


"Do you have ideas about what might make it hurt less?"


None you'd listen to. "No." 


Christine continues to try to get Sasha to articulate his sadness.


Raine knows exactly what she's sad about and she is bound and determined not to tell Christine about it. 


Asher realizes ten minutes into his session that if he's running off with Ron he doesn't have to maintain a good relationship with his parents, and immediately starts inventing the most lurid possible root. His root is that his parents are members of a Satanic sex cult. They have sex with dead bodies and live animals for ritual purposes. His mom's head used to spin around and vomit pea soup. He lost his virginity to Lilith herself when he hit puberty and that traumatized him so much that he hasn't been able to experience normal heterosexual loving since. 


Christine is outwardly sympathetic and privately skeptical.


Lev has no idea what happened in his one-on-one session. He's pretty sure he didn't confess to Christine anything about Marlo or Ron, but he also probably zoned out for three minutes straight staring at the tasteful flower picture on her wall.

As soon as it's over he collapses in bed and sleeps for twelve hours. 


She can't make herself eat at lunch that day. 


"Are you going on a diet?"


"...I don't think so. Food is just really unappealing right now." 


"That's weird," Asher says. "Maybe you're sick."


She shrugs. "It's been less and less appealing for the last week or so, at first I thought maybe they were just making more of an effort at the beginning of the session but now I think it's a me thing." 


"It's okay, people can go for a really long time without much food. I know ballerinas who only have dinner and they exercise for six hours a day."


"...that's kind of distressing, actually." 


"Well, you have to be very thin to do the really impressive lifts. --I mean, you don't have to, you're not a dancer and I'd like you whatever you looked like."

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